I wouldn't be asking your advice if I didn't need it Mibba, I might be losing a friend, over a boy.. - Comments

  • Alright, no offense to your supposed "best friend," but she doesn't sound like a very trust worthy friend herself to me. If she always has bad reactions like these, why do you even bother try? I know, friends are important, and sometimes you just want to work it out since you care for that person so much. But, seems to me that she is blowing up about something that is not even a big deal. He found another girl, didn't he? You're not confessing to him, and it's not like she went out with him, right?

    If you do apologize, and try to make up with her, what's the guarantee that she won't overreact like this again? That something smaller won't make her want to bring up stuff like this again? That she won't always bring up about how you act in your friendship, and your faults and how they're affecting her?

    What I'm trying to say is that if even after you explain everything clearly and calmly, without any smart-ass or stubborn comments --as I've noticed from what you wrote-- just sincere explanation and complete honesty--if she's still mad about it after all of that, trying to blow things to the extreme...I say she isn't worth it.
    June 2nd, 2011 at 03:21am
  • If you don't like the guy, tell him to back off for awhile so you can concentrate on mending your relationship with your friend. But if that don't work and he still bugs you and she (your friend) still believes a bunch of rumors that other people are saying and refuses to listen to you, then... I would say she's not a very good friend so you should find a new one but that would be a bit extreme. Just try talking it out with both of them. :)
    June 2nd, 2011 at 02:58am