My list of fears - Comments

  • avenmaide

    avenmaide (100)

    United States
    Haha thanks Ells
    June 6th, 2011 at 09:39pm
  • TinySliceOfHeaven

    TinySliceOfHeaven (100)

    United States
    ..I can't really say I've been in a tornado. I mean, there've been some near where I live; a few about 30 minutes away, and one that wasn't even a town away.
    I mean, I went to school the next day, and everyone had seen or heard about it but me. It was kind of creepy. I've never actually been in one though; never had to duck in cover in the school halls, never had my house tipped over by one. It kind of.. makes me antsy though. Not scared, but yeah.

    1. Not a stupid fear, just kind of odd, I must admit. I never thought of that kind of thing, but.. I think anyone would be scared of that. Pfft, I could probably make enough rackett without my voice, though. :)

    2. Sharks. I don't lovelove sharks, but I do like them.. a lot. Maybe it helps that I got to pet one at one time? I mean yeah I do get nervous every time I go in the ocean; I can't help but think that a jellyfish'll sting me, or a shark'll bite me.. but I don't know. Not one of my greatest fears.

    3. Oh man, I love being carried around. Yeah I guess I'm just odd like that, but it makes me feel safe, you know? o.o

    Anyways. :P

    June 2nd, 2011 at 04:59pm