Anyone have a brick wall I can bang my head against...? - Comments

  • Samantha Michelle

    Samantha Michelle (100)

    United States
    1.) If your friend is 18, it really isn't any of your Mothers business. Your friend is an adult going over to her adult boyfriends house. Unless, your mom is jealous of her boyfriend, then she really has no room to say anything. Now, if she isn't paying rent that is kind of different but not by much. Then she could bitch about her living there for free- she should not be saying anything about her boyfrend though. Sorry if I offended you, my honest to god opinion. If I was your friend me and your momma would have some serious issues because I don't think I could be an adult and be told how to spend my evenings. Nah, wouldn't work for me.

    2.) That would be a man trying to find an EXCUSE to not talk to you any more. I would think that someone had told him some false information and if he is immature enough to say things to TRY to hurt you- he was never your friend to begin with.

    3.)Flat out ask him if he is ignoring you. If he is, then stop talking to him. Maybe one day he will try to talk to you (after X amount of months of not talking) and then you will get to feel that good feeling of being able to turn HIM away like he did you. I would do it but after he learned his lesson, I could loose up a bit.

    Hope I helped some!
    Let me know if you ever need to talk!

    (I read your comment below mine and im sorry girly but your mom seems like a control freak. Why would she yell at you about it? Seems to me like she is just trying to find things to complain about.)
    June 5th, 2011 at 01:42pm
  • qui3t

    qui3t (100)

    United States
    My mom says it's unhealthy for her to be around him so much.. They did sit down and talk about it. Things seemed perfectly fine... But apparently my mom didn't explain the rules clear enough because my friend thought she was following what they'd set down. Obviously not though since my mom came busting into my room yelling at me about it..
    June 5th, 2011 at 06:59am
  • The poet's girl

    The poet's girl (100)

    United States
    1) your mom is probibly upset because your friend is spending the night at her boyfriends house which is, in her thinking, inappropreate. shes living with you guys so in a way your mom is her mom. would your mom allow you to spend the night at your bf's house? just keep this in thought and talk to your mom and friend about it.
    June 5th, 2011 at 06:56am