Yes. Women have rights. Holy crap. - Comments

  • Um. No. Just fucking no. This is fucking ridiculous.

    Men don't have to deal with rape culture.
    Men don't have to deal with being slut-shamed.
    Men don't have to deal with not getting a job because the company doesn't want to pay mat leave.
    Men aren't constantly judged by their appearance alone.
    Men are taken seriously.
    Men aren't objectified.
    Men dominate politics.
    Men own 99% of the world's property.
    If a man shows weakness, he's called feminine, therefore enforcing that female = bad and weak.
    Men aren't told not to "dress like sluts".
    Men aren't told they can't walk alone at night.
    Men aren't told their bodies are ugly if they don't mean one narrow, unattainable standard.
    Men aren't sexually harassed on the streets.

    So check your fucking privilege.
    June 6th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • Dude - I can't even get in to feminist rights it just hurts my head - and I'm a girl.

    I think that, I myself, enjoy having a lot of rights, and I don't feel that I am ever discriminated unjustly because of my sex, so I never really feel the need to ever be all "Oh my gosh, I hate penis! Women are awesome, and you all need to respect mah authoritay!"

    But at the same time, I know that I am one of the fortunate that feel that way, and that there are many other people out there who don't enjoy the freedoms I do, and so then I'm like "....well does that mean that I should be more up in arms about female rights? Or should I just play it cool?"

    So I kind of just come to a compromise with myself and tell myself that I feel that women who are discriminated upon based on their sex deserve rights, and the females who are clearly well endowed with rights, but still wish to be waited upon by men even though they are both "equals" are quite obnoxious

    /lengthy yet slightly rambly yet probably confusing comment
    June 6th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • The attraction is completely natural <.< it would be counter productive if we went running away screaming. It annoys me (to put it mildly) when girls dress like tramps and then get onto guys for looking. Idiots.

    And while physically the average woman is weaker than the average male, the female's abilities are more mental than physical. Males are suppose to hunt and protect, while women are suppose to gather and prepare for childbirth (and for anyone who says that childbirth isn't a woman's number one priority, while correct to an extent, is also mistaken, as our bodies are specifically designed to give birth to a child, hence the wider hips, the angle of the thighs, higher fat percentages. etc.) the ability to multi task (keep track of the kids and whatever your suppose to be doing), and our brains work faster than a males. :p I don't have numbers, but brain function/activity is higher in a woman than a man.

    But I will still whip you into next weak ;p

    And I won't bother with the 'the man has to take care of the woman while she sits there and looks pretty' because it's a personal choice based on your own informed, and hopefully thought out plan with your spouse/significant other. My trainer (female) is strong willed, independent, tough as old boots, and I dare anyone to mess with this lady or tell her no, but she also has dinner on the stove when he comes home from the office every day(she cooks yummy too...)

    But yeah. Each gender has their own strength and weakness based on what they were designed, be it by God or nature, (which ever you believe) to do.

    And there is Nagi's two cents.
    June 6th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • Wow. This is disgusting. How about you read into how oppressed women have been since the dawn of bloody time and check your privilege at the door. Thanks.
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:57am
  • @painter, i was not accusing u of saying that. i was just putting that out there beofre someone could say i was. *ppl have done tht*. i respect everyones opinions, and like lizzie, is going to leave before anything does go wrong. i hope all of you have a wonderful rest of the day
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:57am
  • I am your mother: I completely agree. Ass over boobs, all day, every day.

    Isn't this ironic...? Lmao.
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:55am
  • Bones Well, I'm sorry that you hurt yourself. I can see that I'm not going to change your views, and I do respect your opinion, because as you said, you're fully entitled to it, so I think I'll pull myself out of the argument before anything mean happens. I really don't want to start a fight with anyone D:
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • Bones sure men may be physically stronger. Key words are may be. That doesn't necessarily mean that men are but it doesn't mean they aren't.
    Also you said deserve. That doesn't mean they are and they should. Women shouldn't be treated specially just cuz they're women or they're "weaker". And I never said you were going against your own sex, now did I?
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • @ lizzie: as i have already said my dear, everyone is entitled to my own opinion. i used to beileve what u do, but i was proved wrong, when i tried to do a mans job, and hurt my back. and i go to a para military school, so they keep both sexes active. somethings, i beileve are made for men and men only
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:53am
  • Doc Hahahahahaha. Okay, that's cool :D
    I tried to go to the first two, but they didn't work :(
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • I really do like butt. A LOT.
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • Bones: And we respect you and your opinion. Because that's the way healthy debates go. I understand where you're coming from - its' almost from the same place that Doc's coming from too.

    Doc: I tried to do that. :( Failed miserably. WhyNoLinksWannaWorkForMe?!!
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:51am
  • Lmao. I'm not even talking to anyone. Whoever's following those links, I suppose.
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:50am
  • Bones And I hate to tell you, but your "example" is a theoretical situation, and therefore, not very worthy to use in an argument.

    V Dude, who are you talking to? xD [/totallylostwithtenpeopletalkingatonce]
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:49am
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • I feel like I'm betraying some feminist-cult by liking this journal o_o and now I should go into hiding.

    I always thought it was kind of funny how my grandma would rant about equality and then turn around and start talking about men being stupid animals and women being better.
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:48am
  • @ painter: look, what i am saying are physical facts. i am not going against my sex, or anything . heres where i stand:
    1)girls deserve to feel loved, beautiful, and happy
    2)girls are typically PHYSICALLY weaker than guys
    3)both sexes have their issues. girls contradict themselves too much. wanting independance and equality one minute, and the next special treatment because they are women. and men, tend to look at women as if they are walking boobs.

    you wanted an example of how we are weaker , well here it is: who would most likely win a fight? i girl or a boy. seeing as they are the same age, and are equally active? the boy would most likely win. men were born equipped to do hard labor, women were not. everybody is entitled to their own opinions, you dont have to agree , none of you do. but this is my personal opinion
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:47am
  • Bones Okay well you look, I really don't want to start a fight or an argument, but I'm sorry you feel that way. As a female also, one, might I add, that has ten thousand physical health problems, mostly affecting the bones and nervous system, that I am perfectly capable of doing anything I want on my own. I never ask for help because I never need it. I don't bodybuild. I used to do ballet, but I've been out of that for over a year and a half because of my illness, so my level of muscle is limited, but that's because of my special case of being sick. I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone doing that for me.

    I really hope that someone will be able to prove you wrong, becuase it's really a shame that you believe that we're weak because, hunny, I promise you that we can fend for ourselves.

    Sonny I really like what you said :)
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:45am

    June 6th, 2011 at 02:45am
  • Doc ._.
    Lmao I can already tell where this is heading xD

    sonny highfive :D
    June 6th, 2011 at 02:41am