there's a world outside of my front door - Comments

  • rock_outhXc

    rock_outhXc (100)

    United States
    try new things in you're life insted of haveing the same old rutine.

    dont think about the things you havnt done think of the things you want to do and acomplish.

    insted of sitting at home try going on a vacay far away from home and cuz nobody knows who you are there GO WILD and have the time of you're life!

    try making a day when theres no rules and you can do what ever you want with spending money, having fun, and eating what ever you want and how much you will make you feel so much better to just let loose once in a while.

    of coursel ife is expencive cuz if everything was free we wouldnt no how to limit ourselvs and people wouldnt have jobs.

    and life is hard, it wouldnt be fun if it wasnt.but try steping back from that circle and think about the people around you and love you so much.they are the ones that make things worth wild.
    August 18th, 2007 at 01:40am