National Sex Day! (Not to mention question and Comment Swaps.) - Comments

  • cinderella.

    cinderella. (150)

    United States
    1. Tell me about someone you hate and why.
    Ugh, don't get me started. I'm not going to answer this, it would take hours to talk about.
    2. Best thing that happened to you this week?
    I'm still alive.
    3. Who was your last relationship with and how long?
    Never been in a relationship, nor do I plan to be in one, either.
    4. What are five things you're trying to change about your life?
    A) How much it sucks. B) How it's inconsistent. Yeah, that's about it.
    5. What's a good book you'd recommend and what is it about?
    I've read more shitty ones than good ones.
    June 10th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • the woman.

    the woman. (100)

    United States
    Psh. I don't need to get laid, sugar.

    And I'm in love with the Mortal Instruments series. If that series was a person, as well as the Infernal Devices, we would have a tragic love triangle of Twilight proportions.

    1. I hate this one guy who goes to my school. A couple years ago he and his friends started tormenting me and my two besties - called one of them 'emo garbage' and was reported for sexual harrassment in relation to the other. Lots of reasont to hate him, including the fact that he is a substandard terrible human being.

    2. Best thing that happened to me was volunteering for my church's vacation bible school. I get to spend two and a half hours from this past Wed. to tomorrow with small children - that's fun for me. I also wrote my first fluff piece, which someone actually liked that doesn't usually like fluff :D

    3. I've never really been in a relationship per say. The closest I've gotten is a guy I met at a party whose friend gave me his number. We proceeded to text and call each other for 2 weeks afterwards and then get back to our respective lives.

    4. My lack of determination
    My lack of organization
    My serious insecurities about my writing
    My irrational fear of starting a conversation with someone I don't know
    Having a best friend that's avoiding me - exceedingly long and complicated story that I'm even having trouble getting straight.

    5. The Rules of Survival is good - it's by Nancy Werlin - about a boy talking about his abusive mother. It sounds stupid, but it really tugs at your heart - hearing how bad it was for him growing up and then seeing him grow stronger. Also Suicide Notes was good - I think it was by Michael Thomas Ford - about a kid that was sentenced to a 45 day stay in a mental wing of a hospital.

    I'll comment on your original story - could you take a look at my story, ROY G BIV? Its my current child - nobody's telling me what I could do to make it better. I want it to be good
    June 10th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • Acid Milk

    Acid Milk (100)

    United Kingdom
    1. I loathe most of the guys I was involved with in the past, because they turned out to be liars/users/etc.

    2. Brownies and my Slytherin tie?

    3. Merrr. B and just a month.

    4. I'm trying to write more, be happy, worry less, read more, and find someone to be happy with.

    5. You already have a huge list of my recommendations, I doubt you need more.

    Why did I even answer this? You already know my life.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:55am
  • vaporwave

    vaporwave (160)

    I could have today, but I really didn't want to. Which is rare for me.

    1. I loved him, he didn't love me, he became a complete twat and that's about it really.
    2. Got my period (and that's good because I haven't had it for two months)
    3. Never had a legitimate relationship, really...
    4. Love myself more, speak up more often, stop smoking, stop dwelling on things, lose all interest in love or relationships.
    5. Trainspotting. It's about Scottish heroin addicts. But it's oh so ~philosophical and deep~. But seriously amazing book.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:26am
  • still waters;

    still waters; (100)

    United States
    I did not get laid today. Lmao (:

    1. I don't hate anyone, because my heart doesn't allow it.

    2. In all honesty, nothing. This has been one of the worst weeks in my life.

    3. Well, I had this thing going on with this one guy, but we weren't official. Then the last guy I was basically official with was actually a long-distance relationship. We lasted around 6-7 months, made plans to meet and everything. Then, I found out he was cheating on me, so I called him yelling/screaming/cussing. Ha. Yeah.

    4. 1 - Be Happy
    2 - Smarter
    3 - Stop letting others choose my happiness
    4 - Make more friends/Get closer to old ones
    5 - Stress/Worry less about school and everything

    5. Probably already read it, but Harry Potter. Don't wanna get into what it's about. Just, it's amazing. Seriously.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:22am
  • turducken

    turducken (100)


    I'll totally swap with you on Chasing The Future? :D
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:21am
  • MotleyXCrue

    MotleyXCrue (100)

    United States
    I will swap for The CONquest of Nellie Bly =D This one is also a romance/comedy. Hope you like it! <3

    1.) Okay, I can tell you about someone I hate: Kevin Brinkley, otherwise known as "Sprinkles". I detest him because he reminds me of the creepy teddy bear on the laundry detergent, has the highest voice ever with the lisp that can melt faces, and is slowly pulling the person I love most away from me.
    2.) Best thing that happened to me this week was definitely texting the dude I'm completely in love with for two minutes. Of course, it went like, "Who is this...?" and all that, but it counts.
    3.) I have never been in a relationship, actually. I've had little romantic episodes, but nothing that really evolved.
    4.) One: Lose ten pounds. It needs to happen. Two: Get to know him better before he leaves for college. Three: Get him to think of me as more than "sweet kid." Four: ...Not get sunburns. Five: Fix my printer...
    5.) I haven't read in a while, but I really love biographies. Like, just choose someone you think is awesome and read their book, if they have one, of course. Well, that was a bad recommendation, but if I think of a better one, I'll tell you.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:16am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    1. I find hate to be a useless emotion. Why spend the energy to hate someone? Seems pointless to me. I may dislike a lot of people though.
    2. Honestly..... Nothing.
    3. My former best friend. We lasted for a few months, not sure how long. Her and I just couldn't get along well in a relationship.
    4. One thing I want to change is my schooling. I want to go back to school and get my GED. I also want to get back into writing. But those are the only two I can think of.
    5. I'm honestly not sure, I haven't been reading much lately so I don't really have anything to reccommend. >.<

    I wasn't even aware there was a National Sex Day before reading this journal..... I feel so out of the loop now.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:13am
  • pseudonym.

    pseudonym. (100)

    My husband refused to have sex on National Sex Day because we're not American. So, we're in the same boat. Hahah (:

    I love That '70s Show! I got Netflix for Christmas, and because we've got a stupid blu-ray something or other, we can watch it instantly through the telly. I spent days fused to my couch, watching every single episode-- the last one always makes me cry.

    1. I really don't think I HATE anyone. I don't think anyone really deserves it, except my mother's late husband. But he doesn't count as a human being anymore.

    2. Best thing that happened... I bought a puppy! It's a bull mastiff puppy that's supposed to reach 200-some pounds at full growth, and be giant, and I'm really excited because I'm convinced I'll be able to ride him like a horse.

    3. My last relationship... well, the one I'm currently in has lasted nine years, and we're currently married. Before that... two weeks. Hahah. Big difference.

    4. My bad habits. I really need to stop eating like a ruddy cow, and start exercising more.

    5. A Thousand Splendid Suns, which is about the lives of two women in Afghanistan and the struggles of their society and such. It's actually a really good, interesting book.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:12am
  • UsagiChaan

    UsagiChaan (155)

    United States
    1. I don't really 'hate' anyone.
    2. Nothing yet.
    3. My Freshman year of high school, I 'went out' with a Sophomore and we lasted two weeks because we were both too socially awkward for dating.
    4. I'm trying to change my weight, my eating habits, my sleeping habits, how much time I spend on the computer and how I spend my time.
    5. I'd recommend anything by Tamora Pierce, especially the Beka Cooper series. Basically it's a fantasy setting in which Beka is a guard (Kind of like a police officer) in this city called Corus. She works in the worst part of the city and stops all manner of crimes. There are two books, but they're definitely more interesting than I just described.

    It's National Sex Day because it's Johnny Depp's birthday.
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • AmorarEsDeVivir

    AmorarEsDeVivir (100)

    United States
    Well if it's National Sex Day I guess I have no choice but to celebrate. My boyfriend and I will, of course, be seriously distraught by this.

    1. I don't really hate anyone. =/ Except maybe Rush Limbaugh and/or Westboro Baptist Church, but I really don't want to waste my energy consciously thinking of my hatred for them.

    2. Sent my boyfriend's parents $200 to help with the bills. It isn't much, but I know it will be appreciated.

    3. Before this one, it was a guy I worked with and it lasted 3 months. That was years ago. The man I'm with now is someone I initially met online and then a bunch of crap happened and now we live together and have for over 14 months.

    4a. Write more
    4b. Try not to get so upset over things I know shouldn't matter
    4c. Cook more
    4d. Challenge myself intellectually again
    4e. Get back into reading

    5. Just one? 'Cause I could recommend dozens. For now I'll recommend Wicked by Gregory Maguire. It's the back story of the Wicked Witch of the West. I know that description sounds lame, but there's so much in there that makes you think--about the nature of good and evil, about rights, about everything. It's a beautiful novel that's captivating and heartbreaking and thought-provoking and uplifting and beautiful. (And the musical based on it is stunning.)
    June 10th, 2011 at 03:09am