Marriage and religion - Comments

  • Depending on how strong their belief's are, marriage between two people with different religions might or might not work. If one or both of them had a really strong belief in their religion, then probably not. But if they were more laid back with it, then I can't see why not.
    And I think you're being realistic. It'd just be something a potential partner would have to posses, for you. Like how some people may not want their partner to be addicted to drugs, or they want to marry someone who enjoys reading books.
    June 11th, 2011 at 06:07am
  • Lante
    Of course, like I said to So Mi Shught, I wouldn't want to push it on them. At school I'm always surrounded by non-Catholics and I'm always exposed to such a secular world that I'm pretty much so used to it by now that I don't really care to hate people based on religion. I'm pretty open minded compared to really conservative Catholics. If they decide that they don't want to be Catholic anymore, my only rule would be that they respect my decision to be a Catholic and then I would respect their decision to be Catholic. As long as I raise them to be "good kids", that's fine with me. They don't necessarily have to be Catholic to be "good" but it would be nice to go to the church as a family every Sunday. It might not happen, but it's a nice dream.

    You're right. It all depends on the situation. There has to be some sort of compromise and agreement and it goes for all marriages anyway.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:59am
  • Well I personally think you can raise your kids in a church all day long, but in the end it is up to them if they want to continue to go to church when they get to the age of independence. I don't care what religion you are, if your kids don't agree with what you raised them to believe and you can't accept it then you're a bad parent in my book. In other words- as long as you are opened minded to the possibly of them possibly not going to chruch or wanting to practice something else then I don't see the problem.

    But I personally don't think different religion marriages can work out depending on hardcore of the religion the person is...if that makes sense.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:48am
  • I think you have every right to share your beliefs with your children. I think it's better to raise children with some type of beliefs then no beliefs at all.

    I believe it could, depending on the views and how strongly they feel about the views. If one is 100% not-going-to-budge Christian with a 100% not-chainging-my-views Muslim, then it definetly wouldn't work out. But if some agreement could be made, then yes.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:45am
  • So Mi Shught
    Thank you. Many people have told me that I was shallow, and I almost started believing it. If my children don't want to continue on with religion, I'd definitely be disappointed but I wouldn't push it on them. Like I said, everyone has the right to believe what they want.

    That makes sense. I wish there were more guys like that, who are respectful of people's values.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:41am
  • I actually had a convos with my dad about this today. It matters the guy we both decided. If the guy likes you for you and has the same values it will work out. Some religions believe that the women should change her religion for the man. So it matters what religion and how to guy acts to you being a different religion.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:33am
  • I don't think your shallow. I think it's perfectly fine to raise your children with a religion. You just have to keep in mind that, when they're older, if they don't take to that religion, you have to respect that.

    I believe a marriage between a practicing Catholic and non-Catholic could definitely work out if both people are committed to the relationship and want it to work.
    June 11th, 2011 at 04:32am