Tool? - Comments

  • 1. I never have the same favourite song, but it currently is: Celestial Furnace by Disarmonia Mundi
    2. I've listened to it a couple of times, I do, but I don't have the streaming channel.
    3. No, but they make me jealous.
    4. This sexy man, Shagrath :
    5. I most certainly know them, although I don't like them.
    6. I've never dated, period. Although all guys can be complete tools sometimes.
    7. I've honestly made crude racist jokes. But I'm not saying I'm racist. If that makes sense.
    8. Mhmm
    9. You can learn yourself, if you're swift like that.
    10. I fucking love it, although I quit drinking pop.
    11. I don't listen to Indie music.
    June 14th, 2011 at 01:58am
  • 1. Lacrimosa by Mozart.
    2. I don't know who or what that is...
    3. some are
    4. the dude who played Thor in the movie Thor. :]
    5. only when it comes on the radio.
    6. yeps, my last dude one happened to be one.
    7. no.
    8. yes. it was one my vocab words in 6th grade.
    10. yes
    11. No
    June 14th, 2011 at 01:52am