What about the dinosaurs? - Comments

  • dopamines

    dopamines (100)

    United States
    Religion, not just Christianity, has been something to answer questions since the dawn of time. The ancient Greeks, a very secular people, had their gods to tell them how the Earth came to be, why lightning strikes, why the volcanoes erupt.
    Even now, we don't know why we're here. And it's easy to say that God put us here to do his work, it makes us feel good, and that's why we keep the idea floating around. There's an entire museum that my friend went to just to see, it's called the Creationism Museum, and it says that humans walked with dinosaurs, and they became extinct, blah blah blah, the earth is only 7000 years old, and the carbon dating that we do to prove how old fossils are that shows that they are millions of years old is because of the damage caused by Noah's flood.

    In other news, God is not patient and understanding. He is a jealous God, it says so in the Bible. When you disobey him, when you reach for the tree of knowledge, you get kicked from paradise.
    June 20th, 2011 at 12:41am
  • Looking at Stars;

    Looking at Stars; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Many people argue that the Bible isn't to be taken in a complete literal sense. For example, Bultmann would say that in order to find the true kerygma of religion, you've got to demythologise it. Which, in essence, is to basically strip away of everything that is clearly non-factual and get to the 'core' of religious stories.

    In the 1700's there was a group of philosophers who branded themselves as the Enlightenment thinkers. Who worked with reason, logic and order to get to the true meaning of religious language. David Hume and Immanuel Kant were extremely influential in this. Hume basically destroyed the ontological argument, and Kant moved away to group of people who are Deists.

    Generally speaking many people argue that faith cannot be synonymous with science, and the Atheist would agree. Religious people tend to hide behind ambiguous claims, such as: "god works in mysterious ways," and are completely oblivious to the notion that God may not exist. That's why when you pose the question of dinosaurs and the bible, many will claim that they aren't important in the lives of those who wish to follow in a religious sense. They are so indigenous and set in their ways that nothing could counteract what they believe in. Thus rendering their claims as seemingly meaningless because if you can't be willing to disprove the existence of God, then how can you prove it?

    Lol. Sorry for ranting.
    June 19th, 2011 at 08:43pm
  • HelloI'mNaked

    HelloI'mNaked (100)

    United States
    I'm too lazy to re-type the journal, but I'd like to point it out that I was definitely wrong about the animals thing. Animals came first, and really it's quite possible that God's days compared to our days are eras rather than twenty-four hours, but I still do not fully believe in what the Bible says. Plus, if believing in God and the judgement one will undergo before entering Heaven keeps people morally in line, then so be it. But to me having morals and doing the right thing are just things that we should do.
    June 19th, 2011 at 05:13pm
  • city lights;

    city lights; (100)

    United States
    My beliefs are all over the place being an Agnostic, because I need evidence and hard proof most of the time and Science gives me just that. My family is pretty religious, and although they don't go to church as often as they used to, they still believe in God quite a bit. I don't mean to sound like someone that judges other people for what they believe in, but some of the things they say about him makes me want to just roll my eyes. I don't of course. It doesn't make much sense to me that he supposedly did all these things. I just don't buy it, but that's me. I now probably sound like an Atheist.

    Believe what you want, you know? I think it's okay to question it personally. Other people might disagree, but that's their opinion. Science says there were dinosaurs and evolution took place. That is what I believe. c:
    June 19th, 2011 at 05:08pm