My Hero - Comments

  • Cerbera.

    Cerbera. (100)

    United States
    I never understand people who call strangers, who they don't even know, their heroes. What happens to the people in your life who are with you through thick and thin? It is a good thing that you recognize the importance of the people in you life, Sunny (Your name is so cute by the way).
    Your mom sounds like a cool mom. I admire people like her who are strong and independent, especially when she is a mother at 15. Not many people can do what she does for you, I bet.
    Nyla, too, deserves more praises than what people gave her. Her son should grow up grateful for his mother's effort bringing him into the world.
    I'm sorry if I sound like a creeper, but something about your story really touches me. I wish you a happy life. ^_^
    June 24th, 2011 at 06:41pm