Jane Austen, anyone? - Comments

  • V did you remove the spaces in the links? And you know what I adore about them? The letter writing... like seriously! A letter and then you have to wait so long to get it and then you don't know when the next time your going to see see them or be in touch with them again... where like today if you had something extra to say you could text them or something and know they would read it by the end of the day. Friggin on twitter now days you know when people fart but back then its like they could be doing a million things and you have no idea.... idk there's just a beauty in simplicity.

    Another good book that's sort of in that era is Rebel Angels and all it's sequels. It's an easy read though.
    June 27th, 2011 at 08:18pm
  • thank you all for your awesome comments!!

    @Emery Quasimodo your comment made laugh so hard xD Thank you!!!

    @WTFMusicPerson I know right! They were way more civilized back then. which makes it harder to end up with the person you truly love, and then you get this tension and that's what makes it more beautiful. ( in my opinion) and thanks for the recommendation! I do love Shakespears' Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth! Only your links are not working =/

    btw, I love how Jane Austen put some humor in her books too. =)
    June 27th, 2011 at 07:22pm
  • Love her work.
    June 27th, 2011 at 06:28pm
  • Ah I love her! I watched Pride and Prejudice the other day. It was the first time I watched it the whole way through because usually I end up having to do something for part of the movie and I was in such suspense she has this thing for creating romantic tension that's so real and it's like FDBVUISJKDK!!!

    I've also read that and sense and sensibility and both the movies and books are grand. I really love things that take place in that era.

    For some reason those movies make me feel like watching things like the secret garden, three musketeers, phantom of the opera, and Shakespeare plays.

    But I looked up an online list of similar movies here:

    I'm sure you could find more with a similar search.
    June 27th, 2011 at 06:26pm
  • You are on the road to success if you read Jane Austen novels, Nienke. Good work.
    June 27th, 2011 at 06:23pm