What the hell?- Good to know who you can depend on and not. - Comments

  • Rowiehz0

    Rowiehz0 (100)

    Bah, I hate such behavior so much D:! It's totally unnecessary! I mean, just because you're not going to be around them a lot anymore doesn't mean that they have to drop the communication like.. right away. That's what I really dislike about some people these days.

    You're holy to them when you are around them at all time and when they need you, but in the end they will just shove you aside once you arent of any use to them anymore. And somehow, I always manage to befriend those kind of people D:
    July 13th, 2011 at 09:56am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I know how you feel, somewhat... >.>
    Back in high school, like during my seocnd junior yearf (i had failed some classes), I had told some of my friends who were in fact a year below me that I wasn't going to finish what would've been my final year (had i passed junior year the first time around). They were all sad and stuff. I only stayed for a few days before quitting and starting up the night school session. But I'd be able to see them for like an hour after day school because my grandpa had dropped me off right at the end of the school and after a while of being gone, they had just sort of forgotten about me. >.<
    July 12th, 2011 at 05:20pm