Why? - Comments

  • meansomething

    meansomething (100)

    United States
    I am always sad about this, too. I'd like to think that everyone's accepted, but they truly aren't. I have a girlfriend and I recently got back from a month long trip where I felt it necessary to say I was single because I didn't want any bit of awkwardness or disgust from my group. The thing about wondering who's going to get hurt next really freaks me out.
    July 13th, 2011 at 02:49am
  • pocketfulofpoppies

    pocketfulofpoppies (100)

    United States
    I completely agree with you. I went to work with my dad once recently and I was talking to one of his co-workers during lunch and the issue of gay marriage came up. At the time, the state of New York had just made it legal for gay couples to marry. The co-worker asked me what I thought about this and I expressed how happy I was for the millions of people who could finally have the same opportunity to officially seal their love as anyone else could. He disagreed. He was very Catholic and believed that it went against everything that God wanted. Why else was it Adam and EVE?, he asked. Why not Adam and Adam? When I asked him what he would do if his son were gay, he said that he would kick him out of the house.
    And that right there, that nonacceptance from a person's loved ones, is the reason that a person might commit suicide.
    It's terrible.
    July 13th, 2011 at 02:39am