Conflicted - Comments

  • M.M.Mitchell

    M.M.Mitchell (100)

    United States
    Wow. That sounds super tough. I understand where you are comming from though. Parents can be just... uurgh! Have you tried talking to them about any of this? I know after what you went/ are going through through it isn't at the top of your list, but honestly someone should know this! Talk to a cousellor, your babysitter, someone! You sound like a timebomb waiting to explode.

    I feel your pain though. I'm also the oldest. Of five. It's a pain, but it also isn't too bad at times. You are always the one who gets screamed at whenever your brothers pinch you and you slap them back saying, "Don't mess with me." Even when it's your TOM and your dad stupidly doesn't understand that people are tired and all they want to do is sleep you sink down to the level of an eight-year old.

    Oh, sorry about that. What you really need to do though is stop trying to please your parents. Get good grades because you want to got to college. Play the piano because you love the way those ivory keys brush against your smooth fingertips and the music emitted is your life in sound-form. Read a book because it helps you escape. Love working in the library because people care as much about those works of art as you do.

    Not to be rude or abrubt, but, who cares if those idiots don't see you?! I mean, you might, but in reality stop trying to please them, or fit in. High school doesn't last forever. It's a small hill in the road of life. And if there is a hill in your way, you have two choices. 1- Avoid it. 2- Walk up it and learn.
    July 15th, 2011 at 05:20pm