Screamo - Comments

  • Vicious Little Lies

    Vicious Little Lies (100)

    United States
    V thanks your advice is better than nothing :) It just makes me angry how when I try to do it, it comes out sounding horrible
    July 16th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • g r i m

    g r i m (100)

    United States
    People say girls aren't as good of screamers for screamo bands, and I'm not trying to be mean or anything, because I'm also a screamo screamer girl (try saying that three times fast), but it is harder for girls to scream right, I think it has something to do with our voices being higher and our vocal cords being shorter. Anyways, I can't really give you much advice, because I don't really know how I scream, I just do. Sorry. What I did to make myself be able to scream is I kind of pinch the back of my throat halfway shut, then I just breathe deeply. The diaphragm stuff is hard to explain, but the way my band teacher explains it is that you have to completely inflate your lungs, then there's this muscle that will let you slowly release the air at a steady rate. Sorry if that's not much help. :/
    July 16th, 2011 at 03:58am