I feared you'd turn out like her, and I knew it was bound to happen, So why am I worried? - Comments

  • LetsWriteaLoveStory

    LetsWriteaLoveStory (100)

    I don't live with my family, So it's so hard to be there to support him and try to help him. I've contacted him over facebook and it's like... He doesn't even care that I'm trying to help him. Thank-you, I hope my family can work things out and try to get him the best possible help there is.

    I agree, Herbal remedies are so much better then actual harmful medicine.

    Yes, It's the same for my family, and actually, My husband has told me he thinks I may have a touch of bipolar in me. I've locked myself in closets for hours, Cried for no reason, Got mad over nothing. BUT, I am aware enough to stop myself from causing harm to others.

    These babies are 4 months and 15 months, And already, I've seen him harm the oldest.

    When my youngest brother was born, My sister strangled him... I'm worried that if he's not kept under watchful eye, He will hurt one of them.

    Thanks for the support, it means a lot.
    July 19th, 2011 at 07:52pm
  • The Warden's Wife

    The Warden's Wife (100)

    United States
    That's terrible, sadly, we have a lot of that in our family as-well, my mother's sister is bipolar, and she used to beat my mother and try to kill herself when she didn't get her way. I also believe my oldest sister is as-well, because she acts a lot the same, cries for no reason; thinks that she's some kind of underdog and the family hates her and attacked my mother and myself a few times before running off with some guy.
    It's really sad when people are like that, because they could be so much better, but yet, it's not totally their fault. It's really hard to deal with.

    You should research herbal remedies for it, they will definitely do better than anything a normal doctor will give you, because the side-effects are always just like the problem or worse.

    I hope you and your family can work things out.
    July 19th, 2011 at 07:45pm