Love.At.Young.Ages. - Comments

  • lacey.

    lacey. (100)

    United States
    Honestly, young love isn't really feisable.
    Sure, you can like someone. It's not uncommon at all, for attraction to someone to start at a young age.
    But I have to admit. When I was still in high school, and I still rode the school bus, these kindergarteners and first and second graders were already gossiping about their boy/girlfriends and I honestly thought it was ridiculous. You're seven years old. You're eight, nine, ten years old. You might know what love is, as far as loving your mom, your dad, your sibling, your grandmother; but as far as being in love and knowing consciously and truthfully that you're in love with this kid, it's just.... it doesn't happen. It Does Not Happen. ever.
    Eight year olds don't fall in love. I don't care how movies portrey it, how books make love at a young age sound... It doesn't happen.

    You're hard-pressed to find real, true love in a relationship of 21 year olds, much less the 14 year old in Junior High, who can't even decide what they want to do after school, much less who they want to be with for the rest of their lives.

    As someone who has experienced love personally (and also as someone who has been graduated from high school and is well into college) love doesn't happen over night. Love takes work, and effort.
    And children aren't willing to give that effort.
    July 20th, 2011 at 06:39pm
  • flyer.

    flyer. (850)

    United States
    I have to admit, I don't even believe in serious relationships until you're out of high school.
    But that's also because I believe a relationship needs a lot more than love.

    If you believe you're in love at 13 or whatever, yay for you. It doesn't really affect me, and I certainly can't, from an outside perspective, judge; only you know what you're feeling.
    Things that I cannot make accurate judgemets on/don't affect me, I like to make non-issues :)
    July 20th, 2011 at 06:36am
  • Katelyn23

    Katelyn23 (200)

    United States
    I agree with Airi-chan

    And I don't say this to mean, so don't take it that way, but there is a reason a lot of older teenagers and adults don't listen when really young people say they are in love. You've got to remember, they've probably been there. A few years makes a huge difference when it comes to perspective. Your perspective on things like love, friendship, and even family changes as you mature and as you experience things. Your perspective on yourself will change. Its something that you can't understand until you reach that point. When I was 13 and 14, even 15, I thought that I'd never change. My best friend and I thought that we were so cool because we did this and that. Now we look back on those years, that weren't that long ago, and I literally want to slap myself.

    What I believe is preteens and young teens are in love with the idea of being that age. When you reach a certain age you start to feel more grown up than you really are most times. I also think that so many kids are in love with the idea of being in love.

    Just please try to keep in mind that when people older than you tell you something you don't like or don't want to hear they aren't doing it to hurt you. Chances are they've either been there personally or they've watched someone really close to them go there. 9 out of 10 times they tell you things that don't really sound good because they are trying to protect you.
    July 20th, 2011 at 06:13am
  • tholomew plague.

    tholomew plague. (200)

    United States
    I believe in young love.
    I met my boyfriend when I was 13 and he was 12 and we're still together and we love each other.
    My boyfriend's sister has been with her boyfriend since she was 12 too and she's 21 now.
    July 20th, 2011 at 06:02am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I think most young people don't actually know what love is. It's very rare for someone young to actually be in love, most of the time it's just "puppy love". You know, that spur of the moment thing where it only lasts a few weeks/months. There are some young people who do fall in love, but these people are very rare.
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:59am
  • waves wash

    waves wash (155)

    United States
    I wish I knew what I wanted when I was younger though.Sad truth.O well I am straight with my head now.
    July 20th, 2011 at 05:51am