Kitty Issues | Questions - Comments

  • thank you everyone for the great ideas ^.^ I really appreciate you're help !!! =D
    July 21st, 2011 at 01:00pm
  • Get a thin piece of plywood the size of the bed. Put in under the box spring.

    Get a lattice for the bedroom entrance, but make it strong enough to hold up the cat.

    Put something that will fall on him as soon at he climbing on the box spring, so when you aren't home it still does it. No it's not mean it's effective since the cat will do it either way and you can only stop him when you are home.

    My cat used to climb the curtains and hang off them. I looked up how to stop them and they said make a fake curtain. So just tying up loose string to the rod or whatever and only have it strong enough to up on it's own, but as soon as a cat jumps on it.. Down they both go.

    I have 2 insane cats (which means normal since all cats are bloody insane) and have learned a few tricks to make them stop doing things.
    July 20th, 2011 at 03:14pm
  • You know all too well how BAD my cats can be :P
    Maybe if you make him a secret hide out spot that will intrest him to stay out from under your bed? A box with a hole cut out and a blanket in it perhaps?
    July 20th, 2011 at 02:09pm
  • 1.Of course! I adore both cats and dogs. :) (Animal person...)
    2. Hm... Ideas... since his a kitten he would like to play a lot. Than rather sleep and eat. Have you got any toys for him? If you do get his favourite toy and lead him out from under the bed with the toy and out of your room. I would say a trail of snacks but I don't know if it would work. (It worked only once for my cats.)

    My cat loved to sleep in my old toy boy I used to have. She loved playing with the toys and how cosy it was and how I got her out of there was to place her favourite toy in her bed. Her brother on the other hand liked to sleep on the same spot of the couch. I had to continually take him off and place him on his bed. It worked. Try, it may or may not work. :)
    July 20th, 2011 at 01:55pm
  • nope, only dogs
    hmm, i guess the spray bottle of water trick could work
    i'm sorry i don't really know :/
    July 20th, 2011 at 01:22pm