Last time I checked YOU were the f*cking parent ! | Satanism and my beliefs. | The Hobbit 2012 - Comments

  • That's not cool what your Dad said...-_-....

    I'm a 'free lance' Christian and I found your Satanism facts to be quite...enlightening. I mean, I would never consider it (sorry, I'm not trying to be an obnoxious prejudice person!), but you bring some things to life that aren't probably considered most times. Most people hear "Satanist" and flip out.

    I'm just. Eh. Its their choice. *shrugs*

    December 29th, 2011 at 05:53am
  • I agree with Kirsikka
    I love Wicca, but I'd definitely think about being a Satanist if I weren't. :D
    Can't wait for The Hobbit to come out, love LOTR.
    August 1st, 2011 at 04:27pm
  • I honestly agree with every thing you just mentioned there is simply no better way for me to express what I believe and it fits very well to how I act and think. Satanism is not a bad religion but when you live in a christian community like I do you get called an atheist for saying you've never read the bible. >_> Then again most of the people I go to school with are a**holes. I know enough from the bible to know they're hypocrites. The ideas that Satanism expresses are not bad most people are just to d*nm stupid to look up what they're talking about before they run their mouth. I'm just glad not all people are like that, and I can't wait for the Hobbit! and you're dad went over board about the food.
    July 28th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • Well I'm Christian. Non-denominational, so Satanism doesn't strike an appeal with me. Anyway, I think your dad was definitely tripping over the food. It's actually easy to overcook the rice with the hamburger so you have to be careful when cooking the two.
    July 28th, 2011 at 09:14pm
  • I'd probably enjoy being a Satanist, I joke around that I'm the Devils Spawn, but I'm just not a religious person.
    Seriously I could spend a week with each religion and I just wouldn't get into it.

    But I'd say Satamism to be quite cool, I love the idea.

    And I cannot wait for the Hobbit to come out.
    July 28th, 2011 at 09:03pm
  • I think I'd be a Satanist if I hadn't found Wicca to reflect my views better.

    People expect Satanism to be related to burning cats, sacrificing virgins and being possessed or whatever. I hate when people claim Satanism to be 'bad' without even knowing a damn thing about the religion. It's just plain idiocy.
    July 28th, 2011 at 08:37pm