Got A Job/ I wish you would stop/Immature Adults/ Questions - Comments

  • 1. I'm a full time stay at home daughter.
    2. My cousins all smoke and they're all at my house 90% of the time. They go outside and if I go outside to talk with them they blow the smoke in the opposite direction that I'm sitting in. They're really considerate about it the mass majority of the time.
    3. My step-fathers best friend who's basically my older brother. -.- It was actually pretty funny, but he was doing the calling. He worked at a telemarketing place and called people and he would fight with them all when they gave him attitude. I ran in after school one day (he lived with us at the time and often brought me home from school.) and asked if he was taking me home when he got off and when I got this cubical he was mocking the person he was on the phone with. It was so funny but so childish. xD
    August 3rd, 2011 at 02:49pm
  • 1. I don't work at this moment but I worked at a Petco. :3
    2. I don't smoke and my grandpa quit smoke years ago, but my mom, Aunt, and Grandma smoke, though my aunt steps outside while my mom and grandma just sit there while the kids suffocate from that. My littlest cousin had gotten sick because of the smoke, she has asthma like her dad. Which is why my aunt has cut back on her smoke by a lot.
    3. My uncle. -_-"
    August 3rd, 2011 at 01:25pm
  • Well, that's the most logical thing to do. I never said she had common sense.
    I had colleges call me and when I told them I wasn't interested, I was already in school, they stopped calling. No biggie.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 12:40pm
  • 1. I don't have a job.
    2. Both of my parents are smokers and they smoke around me all the time despite knowing how much I despise it. I've learned to put up with it.
    3. Actually no it hasn't.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 12:40pm
  • She should just tell them she's not interested.
    They will stop calling...geeze.
    August 3rd, 2011 at 12:37pm