Why?! - Comments

  • I don't know if you actually wanted a reply, but I couldn't resist.

    1) It's totally understandable why you'd be upset by that. Your freedom of expression is getting pretty limited. That would seriously p*ss me off. But that's what Mibba is for, right? :D To an extent. At least there's no family on it?

    2) College is becoming a sanctuary, haha. Pretty much everyone I know with family issues is making sure they're going to college to get away from it. If you haven't applied yet, best of luck getting in! :)

    3) Er... I don't know if this would work if your mom has much of a temper, but have you tried talking to her as calmly and reasonably as possible? I dunno. Sorry for not being much use, but seriously. A blow up mattress? That's just not fair to you. :(
    August 6th, 2011 at 06:09am