What is the most offensive journal you have ever read? - Comments

  • loopy lupin I don't understand that either but maybe that's their own way of avoiding getting bullied by the trolls? I love your username haha
    Tygra I'm glad too. There was a point when it was really bad
    Savannah Yeah, I don't entirely understand religion. I was raised Catholic and I'm in a Catholic high school, but I'm not sure what I believe really. It happens to us all at some point I guess though
    August 13th, 2011 at 04:17am
  • cara i actually don't frequent the forums except for the artist threads. but the point is that i don't mind journals that are innocently asking about religion. i hate it when the journal is bashing a religion or something along those lines. it's uncalled for and we can't prove any of our religions anyway so why are we fighting about them? you know?

    meg exactly. what sucks about christianity is that if the person doesn't believe in it and accept it, then they spend eternity in hell. it's not a "hey, if i do good works i'll make it" thing so when people fight with me about religion, i hate giving up because it means they could potentially spend eternity in hell. :c

    haha yeah i was pissed. but then i was like "pft, botdf is amazing and i know i'm not fat or ugly so i don't have to worry myself over it". and then i was good. :) dahvie was like "ignore the haters because lord knows what they would do with your fist pressed against their faces. :)" word for word. jesus. i was hyperventilating. xD
    August 13th, 2011 at 03:17am
  • Numb: Me neither. I saw one journal and that was it. x3 I"m glad they're making themselves scarce as of late.
    August 12th, 2011 at 11:09pm
  • I've never understood trolls. Their minds must be so empty, to have to resort to making others feel bad just to get some excitment.

    I hate the people who try to act cool and try to be buddies with the trolls by saying crap like, "Lol, I can totally see the humour in this, you guys can't take a joke."

    Geez, stop being such a kiss ass.

    Anyway, the last gif makes me smile :)
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:31pm
  • v. Those are the types of religious journals I don't like; when they are created to bash that religion, or it's followers. I take offensive to the Harry Potter one, I'm a huge fan haha. I saw a few journals that were directed at people but I didn't comment on them because I didn't know what was going on and felt it wasn't my place to get involved. I would be offended if I was specifically called out as well :/
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:04pm
  • There was a journal that stated Christians were stupid, another that said HarryPotter fans are dumbasses, and another one that specifically was directed at me and a few other users and it said we were effed up and annoying bitches. Yeah.
    August 12th, 2011 at 10:01pm
  • carcinoGeneticist How are religion journals offensive? If people rub it in your face nastily about the reasons why they should believe in the same religion, that's very offensive. But when people are asking for others' opinions and stating their religion and the reasons why, I don't see how that's offensive at all. So, I'm guessing you must not like the Religions topic in the forums, right?
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:58pm
  • v. I completely understand how you feel about the religious ones. I posted a journal last month asking what the reason for people's religion was and it was pretty interesting to see why they believed in a certain faith. Luckily, no fights broke out about opposing views but that is very rare. I often wish that religion didn't exist either, it's so stupid to argue about someone's beliefs. As long as they aren't causing harm to themselves or others, just let them believe what they want. But that's just my opinion I suppose.

    Wow, that is pretty immature. I would have been offended myself, especially if they were hating on tdwp. Sh*t would've hit the fan haha. Awww that's awesome! I would have died from excitement lol
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:53pm
  • i hate journals that talk about religion. i'm actually a christian but i kind of wish that religion didn't exist. i am so fucking sick of the problems that it causes. /:

    also once on gaiaonline there were a few people hating on my favorite band (you know, blood on the dance floor. ;D) and i was sticking up for the band, and the people were telling me i had to be fat and ugly and play with myself to like botdf. it turned out good though because i told dahvie on his myspace profile to let him know that i stuck up for him and that his fans have his back and he commented back personally. he's replied to me three times in total. be still, my beating heart. :,)
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:50pm
  • v. I remember the trolls that were going around about a month or two ago :/ I haven't seen any of the journals they've written but I could imagine they were just as horrible as the comments they were leaving people :/ I heard that some are still going around but I haven't encountered any of them.
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:44pm
  • There was a journa made by one of mibba's trolls awhile back that had said some nasty stuff in it. :/
    August 12th, 2011 at 09:42pm