Long Times Comming | Questions - Comments

  • 1.Yeah, I have and it does suck a lot but before you know it, time will pass.

    2. Yeah, I have. I used to cry myself to sleep because I wanted more than ever to be with them. and I was living in some pretty bad conditions with a friend, (I mean no food, little higiene.. it was BAD) but I moved in with him about seven months ago (and I def. wish he was 6 hours away again hehe j/k.. nah, but it gets easier, believe me.)

    3. Well, we talked every day by phone, facebook, messages, msn, etc.

    It'll get easier, I promise :)
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:18am
  • 1. Uh, not sure. Perhaps. cx It's hard to distinguish feelings.
    2. Pfft, nein.
    3. Look above.

    I'm sorry that it has to be so hard for you. :c
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:12am
  • 1. Yes

    2. Yes, and it sadly ended yesterday :(

    3. I tried not to think about that, but focused on calling him every night because his voice made it worth it.
    August 13th, 2011 at 02:10am