I hate to admit this to anyone, even myself. - Comments

  • I used to be kind of heavy...I've never been big, but I've been chunky and I got really obsessed with it and hated it, and it led to me dealing with it in alot of painful ways...I turned to bulimia and used to bind my belly with a thick wrap around Ace bandage as tight as possible so you couldn't see my belly flab...that's probably why I still wear corsets and bras with bodices that have rods in them.
    September 11th, 2011 at 10:30am
  • I feel the same as you. I gained 40 pounds. 40 freaking pounds. I went to college, got depressed, was put on anti-depressants, and then gained all of this weight. Even though I'm off them, I still haven't lost the weight they caused me to gain. I felt so good in my body, but now all I do is compare myself to older pictures and feel so bad when I can't fit into any of my jeans and bras, many tops and underwear, and my favourite jacket.

    It's really humiliating and I've lost so much confidence because of it.
    September 11th, 2011 at 09:58am