My Guiltiest Pleasure - Comments

  • end this account

    end this account (100)

    United Kingdom
    1. A jukebox. I just... they're so cool.
    2. To help end world hunger.
    3. Old movies. ET, Gremlins, etc.
    4. A long trip to New Zealand.
    5. The Lovely Bones, Johnny Depp and... Cate Blanchett I suppose.
    6. Um...
    7. I don't really know any...
    8. I don't like soaps.
    9. Yes, but I'm fine not sharing.
    10. "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
    Winston Churchill
    11. A nice modern flat in London.
    12. Haven't got one.
    13. Pepsi
    14. Fire.
    15. Children's anime's.
    16. Cookie.
    17. Well... a helicopter, a book on how to fly a helicopter and a survival kit.
    18. People typing an "f" instead of a "ph" (e.g. "fone")
    and people who say they're bisexual or homosexual like it's a fashion statement.
    19. A fox.
    20. I don't know that many, but I'm not crazy about Miley Cyrus
    September 11th, 2011 at 09:40pm
  • Myungsoo

    Myungsoo (100)

    United States
    1. If you won 1 million in the lottery what would be the first thing you buy as a gift to yourself?
    Stuff from Oli Sykes clothing line.
    2. If you could ask a "higher power" for one thing what would it be?
    Get rid of cars so people walk more and use public transportation.
    3. What personifies the 80's to you?
    Crazy colors?
    4. What is your dream vacation?
    Right now it would be to go to Italy or England.
    5. Favorite movie, actress & actor?
    Amadeus, Emma watson, Tom Felton.
    6. Conservative, moderate, or liberal?
    I don't honestly know.
    7. Favorite primetime show, actor and actress?
    8. Favorite daytime soap actress/character and actor/character?
    Spinelli and Jason also :D
    9. Do you have Twitter? If so feel free to share here.
    10. Favorite saying?
    I have so many I can't pick
    11. What is your dream home and/or location?
    Umm...Canada I guess?
    12. Favorite professional athlete and/or sport?
    13. Coke or Pepsi??
    14. If you had ONE superpower what would it be?
    Invisibility too
    15. What is your guilty pleasure (the one you'll admit to)?
    I spend way to much time on Tumblr.
    16. Favorite flavor of ice cream?
    17. If you were deserted on an island, what three things would you bring with you?
    iPod, notebok and bikini
    18. Biggest pet peeve?
    When people don't clean up after themseves and tell me I have to clean it up.
    19. If you were an animal what animal would you be?
    A horse.
    20. Most hated celebrity?
    "The Situation" from Jersey Shore.
    September 11th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • saint mungo.

    saint mungo. (150)

    United States
    I agree with your answer for number one so much. I'd totally hire Tokio Hotel as my personal entertainment.
    September 11th, 2011 at 08:19pm
  • smallhands

    smallhands (100)

    United States
    1. I would probably spend it on the most random sh*t I could think of. :D
    2. I don't know. I guess I'd ask this Higher Power to rid the world of evil... or something. I don't know.
    3. UHMMM...? :D
    4. Going to the art capitals of the world [is that the right capital? O.O] and Australia.
    5. N/A...
    6. --
    7. --
    8. --
    9. No.
    10. I don't think I really have one. But I love quotes. ^-^
    11. Pennsylvania. [Lame, I know.] It's just so peaceful there.
    12. --
    13. Pepsi. PEPSI PEPSI PEPSI!!
    14. To read minds. But the kind that you can turn off when you don't want to know all the nasty shiz that goes on in people's minds.
    15. Looking up quotes. Oh, God, I could do that all day. No joke.
    16. Country Vanilla. It's so simple and delicious.
    17. Water, A boat, and a dude who knows how to get me off of here.
    18. Hypocrites; people who don't have a reason to feel the way they do; and the homosexual fashion statement fad. Ugh, so annoying.
    19. A German Shepherd. Or a deer.
    20. --
    September 11th, 2011 at 08:07pm