Pierce The Veil...really? | sgkjdhjghe. - Comments

  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    They're pretty fun to watch live. I saw them on Warped in 2008.

    I get bored with people too, so don't feel bad.

    Yeah, that happened to me when I started college. It's hard to deal with sometimes.
    And like right now, I don't get to talk to the guy I like very often because he works second shift. I'm leaving work when he's going in...so it sucks.
    September 15th, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • Myungsoo

    Myungsoo (100)

    United States
    Piece the Veil in the metal section? Wow, that's just. No words.

    And try not to worry too much, I am the same way :)

    When my friend Jon and his girlfriend broke up he was devistated because they were dating for almost two years. I think time is the only thing that can help.
    September 15th, 2011 at 09:52pm
  • c creature

    c creature (100)

    United States
    v He's really adorable hahah. It's cool you met them, too! And yeah, there were a lot of non-metal bands under there....

    lmao, exactly. It's hard to be able to have a legitimate conversation with someone now. Or even a conversation about something or someone other than the one you're talking to.

    No, you're right! It's just frustrating, at the same time. It's not like he's mad at me, or anything. I just feel guilty. :[

    Thank you, though. <3 I appreciate it. :]
    September 15th, 2011 at 08:54pm
  • Sweetest Blasphemy.

    Sweetest Blasphemy. (100)

    United States
    I adore Pierce the Veil, and I've met Vic. Great man.
    That being said, I agree that his voice does get whiny, particularly during "Bullet Proof Love".
    I don't know if I could count them as the same without him, but you do make a good point.
    And they should definitely not be filed under "metal".

    Meh, it doesn't sound that horrible or mean. I get tired of people simply because they all end up being the same to me, even if they seemed unique at fist. Once I get talking to them extensively, it's usually the same "Let's talk about me and my problems and nothing of substance whatsoever oh dear Lord that man is HAWT did you see my new shoes?"
    Or something to that effect.

    Awwww, I'm sorry that happened to your friend.
    And I know how you feel. :/
    But sometimes the best you can do is the best you can do and your friends have to run with it from there and make something out of your help/advise.
    (Aha unhelpful comment was unhelpful. :/)
    September 15th, 2011 at 08:49pm