Religion and why? | Any other writing sites? - Comments

  • Xaddictive

    Xaddictive (100)

    United States
    Don't worry usually people say its a phase but i'm a christian, I believe in what the bible says and I am really religious. and I break down and ask god why things happen the way they do, but one simple answer, Everything happens for a reason. The reason could be good or bad and the worse that we go through and when we survive it, it just makes us that much stronger! I'll tell you what I usually tell other people, Choose because we are getting judges right now!
    September 24th, 2011 at 09:23am
  • sultry shay

    sultry shay (100)

    United States
    I absolutely do believe in God and its not that he wants us to apologise for our sins to just bother us you know. God wants whats best for us and our sins don't make us better people. And of course God knows we're only human he himself came in human form as Jesus Christ and experienced all the temptations and struggles we go through and yet he remained sinless. Jesus loved us so much that he died on the cross for our sins. Thats why its okay if we make mistakes and sin as long as we have faith in him and try our best. Our sins are forgiven once we accept god and Jesus as our personal savior. And I'm not sure how to make you believe this but once you truly embrace christianity with all your heart you can just feel it and he works mircales in your life. Once you really embrace the love of Jesus it changes you but thats what I believe. And theres nothing that make me happier than my faith. :)
    September 20th, 2011 at 01:20am
  • XxNijinoDoreixX

    XxNijinoDoreixX (100)

    United States
    Well, I honestly am not a Christian, but I have a belief that religion itself is supposed to be taken metaphorically. The truth is, we can't know for sure, but if you look at what you are taught, there are things you can explain, even if you do not know it. The bible tells you that the devil/satan/evil forces/demons...are all around you. They are there to make you disbelieve in God, and they succeed even if you do not realize it. Those thoughts, 'if God loved me, why would he do...', 'if there was a God, why is this going on?', or 'God can't be real, there is no proof...'. We hear that and believe it, because it is so more real than what we find with God...but what is reality? This is not reality, because we are learning more and more each and every single day to prove that it is not. This world is what we perceive of it. Light, coming from the sun, reflects, bounces, fades and shades our 3D world...but our eyes are also tools. We can doubt all we want, but it's not truly what you want. You, like every other person in this world, wants peace, wants answers...though they are right there in front of you.

    I'll use an example a new friend gave me just the other day. If you and I were to just exchange numbers, and start talking EVERY single day, for a whole year, and yet never met each other in person, maybe we exchange a picture...or just a painting more or less of each other. Then, randomly, say at disney world, we happen to go at the same time, with thousands of people there. If I seen you and screamed out your name. You'd automatically turn around and know who it was, you'd know me from my voice.
    If you listen to Gods voice, and it is there. It doesn't always make sense, but if you pay attention, if you listen, you will hear it. Maybe it isn't concrete, and who says God is? Is God set in stone? Maybe, but you couldn't just see it so simply, you have to learn to see the world in his eyes, not our human ones. It makes sense, if you let it.

    This also doesn't dismiss science either. I am a firm believer science is God. God's ways of helping us to see the bigger picture. Atoms and cells, they exist. Energy in general. Do you think that the words 'We are made in his image', or 'God is within us all' are a coincidence? The proof is there, you don't have to believe in a huge guy in the sky, granting wishes, causing huge disasters, judging you. Heaven is a state of mind, and you are your own judgement. You know better than anyone, all the crimes, the cruelty, the horrible things you don't want to admit, but in reality you remember them all. Our brains record everything, like a little library, and one day, it will come back. It doesn't mean you can't be forgiven for your sins, you can because God forgives, and you might think again, how can you be so sure??

    You can't, but if you feel it, and know it...deep inside, you need it. You NEED to feel that for peace, to feel that life has meaning, or a purpose...because're not're just wandering, this world.

    We want, we desire, we crave gold, you think that is the meaning of being in this life? To gain fame, and fortune?

    Anyways, I don't mean to pressure ANY one with my beliefs. Understand that. These are my beliefs, and I honestly can not give you physical facts or proof. I can only say all of my life, I've been safe through all my hardships, and any time I feel as though I can't make it, and I want God to show me, please just show me he's there. There he is, knocking on my door, saving me once again. I could have been homeless, raped, beaten, murdered, on drugs, terminally ill...and I am not. I know other people are, and I know a lot of them have such a strong belief in God, but it's their path. Things happen for a reason.
    September 18th, 2011 at 08:20am
  • Inconsolable.

    Inconsolable. (100)

    I can never decide whether I believe in God or not.
    But, I think that it's always nice to have something to believe in. Sometimes people need that.
    September 18th, 2011 at 06:14am
  • Sapphire Eternity

    Sapphire Eternity (100)

    I believe in God. Sure we all make mistakes, but we are only human and sometimes we fall victim to sin? I was not raised in a Religiong household. I believe in God becaude it gives me comfort to know I have a better place to go to when my time on earth is done, It's a sence of closure and reassurance (sp?) in a way.
    September 18th, 2011 at 05:17am
  • Jessii Tara;

    Jessii Tara; (100)

    United States
    I've been studying religion for a while and I have to say I'm not really religious in the first place I have a philosophy that I follow which is Laveyan Satanism mixed with my own opinions and beliefs. If I really considered my religion it would have to be Laveyan because I think that's what fits best to me and my personal thoughts and opinions, what I like and am influenced most by.
    September 18th, 2011 at 05:08am
  • Those Who Favor Fire

    Those Who Favor Fire (100)

    United States
    Marquise: I'm registering for right now XD

    v. OMG that's exactly how I feel ;|
    September 18th, 2011 at 05:07am
  • eight letters late.

    eight letters late. (100)

    United States
    I grew up in a Christian household too, but I'm not really all that invested it in anymore. I want to, because all my church-y friends are super happy and content with their lives... but I just don't know how. :/ Hmmm

    v That's pretty much all the ones I know.
    September 18th, 2011 at 05:01am
  • renai.

    renai. (100)

    Writing Sites:

    September 18th, 2011 at 04:58am