First electric guitar - Comments

  • carcinoGeneticist I have to agree with you on the Martin/Taylor side of acoustics. Taylor are good, Martin are amazing, but to fork out all that money? There are some great entry level guitars, but you want the highest quality right?

    The best acoustic guitar by far that I've played and owned is my RainSong JM1000. Full carbon fiber guitar other than the strings, machineheads, frets etc. It's just got that really crisp clean sound to it.
    September 26th, 2011 at 09:21pm
  • I just came across this journal. When it comes to buying a guitar, don't listen to your tutor, buy what YOU feel comfortable with and find one that you like the sound of.

    Ibanez are good guitars, but if you want a very good sounding Ibanez, expect to pay a lot of money. Only reason they're expensive is because they've endorsed a load of players in the industry and they always seem to use active pickups (won't go into that)

    A good first song to learn on guitar? Hmm that's tough. Again it's down to comfort. You want to find something that's not too hard, but at the same time not too easy. You need that challenge in there to be able to improve yourself. Find something that will push your limits a little. But no matter what song you choose, take it slowly! Don't practice the mistakes. In other words, make sure the parts are right.

    As far as learning tips go, YouTube, books, internet pages, tab websites etc are going to be the best thing for you to use. There's a lot of in depth stuff out there. But try not to restrict yourself to one style. Versatility is key :P

    As for the gear I own, I started with a Fender Stratocaster copy. Doesn't sound that good, but it was a start I guess. Then moved onto a Cort X2-SA which had a wider neck than the Strat copy, making it more of a challenge. I'm not much of an electric player anymore. I'd rather play acoustic.

    Oh and by the way, I've got a YouTube channel that I'm going to be putting video lessons on, so if you're struggling to work songs out, send me a message and I'll work them out and put them up.

    But good luck with playing. Practice and perseverance are key. Start slowly with any song, then slowly speed up as you get used to what you're playing. There's no point in rushing songs if they're going to sound sloppy. You want them to sound as good as they possibly can after all.
    September 26th, 2011 at 09:19pm
  • Thanks guys!!!!!
    Much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh and WTFMusicPerson, I think ur right
    Sooner or later I'm gonna end up with a Syn Gates Custom or a Zacky Vengeance 6661
    But that will be for later, my teacher still has to teach me how to shred before I lay any fingers on those beautiful guitars
    Oh and one more question! Any easy Avenged Sevenfold songs a beginner can learn?
    September 26th, 2011 at 07:36pm
  • Oh yeah and youtube is your friend lots of people give lessons on how to play specific songs.
    September 26th, 2011 at 07:25pm
  • My starter electric was a berhinger stratocaster. A stratocaster is like the classic beginning electric everyone has a strat, but if you really want a specific sound don't listen to anyone and go to Guitar Center where they let you play the guitars, ply them until you find the one that fits. Synyster gates also has his own custom designed line of guitars out.

    Personally when I asked my parents to get me the strat I wanted it because my guitar idol Jimi Hendrix used a strat. I eventually got a Fender but name brands are usually more expensive. So I'd say go with what ever your idol plays chances are you're wanting to learn their songs anyways.

    If you have an amp or will get one they have head phones you can buy for them so you could play your electric while wearing head phones and to your parents it would sound quieter than playing an acoustic.

    And I totally agree with everything carcinoGeneticist said seriousy it's a pleasing feeling when your fingers bleed and you still keep jamming. My hardest chord was F and F minor.
    September 26th, 2011 at 07:20pm
  • Oh, and the first song I learned was "Good Riddance" by Green Day. It's super easy but still fun to play. Then I learned "Wake Me Up When September Ends" (I was taught by a GD addict, lol) and "Numb" by Linkin Park. All easy and perfect starter songs. :)
    September 26th, 2011 at 06:45pm
  • I started on a Epiphone Les Paul Special II, lol. I still have it, actually, and I love it to death. I'm not sure if it's a great starter or not, but I've had no problems.
    September 26th, 2011 at 06:41pm
  • I started on an Ibanez. Well, that's not true, technically I started on a Lyon but when I really started getting serious about guitar my dad got me an Ibanez acoustic/electric.

    Tips? Hm. If you just start off, you're going to need to power through. My fingers bled from playing and I couldn't do a G-chord for the life of me, but I pushed through and now I can do almost every chord. :p Also you might want to get a chord poster that shows you where to put your fingers...and learn tabs, too. I learned everything on guitar myself but didn't get tabs for a while. They're what most guitar players play so you want to know exactly what tabs are like, what the numbers and slashes mean, etc.

    Fenders are good, actually, he just apparently doesn't like them.
    Epiphones are really great. Or maybe I just like the sound, but everyone I've met who likes guitars/plays guitars likes them.

    Aaaaaand if you want to do acoustic as well (which you should, you should always be well-rounded), get a Martin or Taylor. They are the two absolute best. :)

    I have a Bolivian classical guitar I got when I was down there called a Saggitario and that's a really nice one but it's kind of rare up here, haha. Nice mellow sound.

    SO. That is my view on guitars, as a guitar player myself. You can comment me if you have any questions or anything. I taught myself everything I know except for the three chords my worship leader taught me (G, D, and Em) so I've figured out a lot, haha. :)
    September 26th, 2011 at 06:07pm