Anyone know...? - Comments

  • They could add another charge onto him for missing court. I can't remember what it is, but if you miss court when you've been ordered to be there, it is against the law. He may or may not be charged with that as well. :/

    But they're probably holding him in a jail cell for now. Or a holding cell. Chances are, if he's got a bail on him then they're probably holding him in a holding cell. Which is this large cell where they put a bunch of non-violent criminals who are awaiting bail from someone. But it's also a possibility that, like spacejunkie said, they labelled him to be risky and will hold him in a jail cell until the next court date, to assure he doesn't skip it again.

    If he gets posted on a bail, you'll hear from him. Because he'll need to call someone to give him the money to get out. But if he's detained and being held until the court date, chances are you may not hear from him. It could be either.
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • He's 19. Oh so he should be home tomorrow or the next day then?
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:36pm
  • It's largely discretionary, but he will have some rights- namely, that he cannot be detained unless there is justification. Probably if he skipped court then he has been taken one of two places.

    Firstly, he may have just been taken to the police station for them to make a record of the fact that he skipped. It is possible that they will still trust him enough to turn up for the re-schedule, and not consider him a flight risk, and will let him go home again, or maybe give him bail.

    Secondly, however, it is possible that his skipping court has resulted in him being labelled as a flight risk, and he could be held on remand until he is due in court.

    It's probably most likely that he will be interviewed and released on bail, especially if he's a young guy, the offence he committed wasn't indictable, and it's likely that he will actually turn up for the reschedule.

    Why on earth he would skip court in the first place is beyond me.
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:31pm
  • Most likely the regular county jail. After there will most likely be a bail posted and he stays for the night. Also a new court date that he'll HAVE to make.
    September 27th, 2011 at 11:31pm