Love and Affection - Comments

  • I was the same way when I was younger, and even though my parents were always affectionate, I never was. I didn't like being touched, and I didn't like being hugged, or telling anyone, "I love you.", and like you it wasn't cause I had something happen to me in my past, it was just the way I was.

    When I was older though, I met this girl named Rachel, and she was the hug-y type of person, and always gave hugs to everyone, so over years, I've become comfortrable giving hugs and hugging people. Don't feel bad though, some people just aren't as affectionate as other people, there's nothing wrong with that.

    And don't feel bad about not having sex with anyone, I'm the same way. I won't have sex with anyone, but not because I'm not affectionate, because sex actually means something. When you have sex it bonds you to the other person, and I believe you should only do that when you're married, but that's just my beliefs.

    And don't worry, there are guys out there who care about more than just your body. I'll admit they're hard to find theses days, but they are out there. I'm dating one, and once you find one, never let them go, because they're worth keeping around. =)
    October 11th, 2011 at 04:24pm