Depressed because I'm in love? - Comments

  • n0rthlaner

    n0rthlaner (100)

    United States
    We all have our place in this world; whether it is something you want or not, this is your lifeline. You have every right to change it; you are beautiful, you are you're own person. The pain that you feel now, is something I am going through now. I have dealt with the constant aching underneath my rib cage; I have delt with begging for a miracle to happen that I become beautiful. Confidence is so hard to achieve, but it is worth dying for. Reading this made me realize I'm not alone in this world, & neither are you. Just know that there are people out there who know you, who do care about you. If he says it back; then you know you are beautiful, to him. & that is all that should matter. Don't doubt yourself. He loves you. & you love yourself back. It's hard to do. I live with negativity, I breathe it in & out, I am poluted & toxic; but I know that everything will be okay. & it will be for you too.
    October 12th, 2011 at 03:21am