Really????? - Comments

  • Maybe sometimes you like guys and other times you like girls? Who say's you have to have your sexuality written in stone?

    Just go with the flow, and take things one day at a time. I don;t know if you're religious or not, but just remember that God wouldn't give us anything more then we can handle. When things seem really bad or too stressfull just take one thing at a time as it comes your way.
    October 12th, 2011 at 06:14pm
  • You either are interested in guys and girls or not.

    When life gets stressful for me (money, buying diapers etc.) I just take a deep breath and close my eyes - even if the twins are screaming at the top of their lungs for no reason, and I feel like I can find no peace because I'm pregnant and tired and working 60+ hours a week, I always know it will be okay. Just because when things are bad, they always get better, they just do so I just wait for the time when it's looking better.
    October 12th, 2011 at 05:53pm