what i wish would happen - Comments

  • Srsly, tho, you'll find love. You're only 13. :3 You got time.
    October 20th, 2011 at 01:31am
  • Oh, Steve, only you ^.^

    Well, Hun, this does seem a bit unrealistic don't you think? You will find a guy who you really like and he likes you back, and you will walk into the sunset, but his skin color won't matter.

    I mean, skin color is just...color. Do you really choose white guys over black guys cause of their color? White dudes are nice, but so are black guys. It doesn't matter about the skin color ^.^

    I hope you find the right guy, and you walk away into the sunset with him....
    October 20th, 2011 at 01:21am
  • lolololollollollolollollolol. this made me laugh hardcore man. oh god, steve's so awful.
    October 20th, 2011 at 01:17am
  • So, what you're saying is that you like white guys.

    Okay, many people prefer guys of a certain race because they think their hotter. I completely understand. Like, my friend and I are extremely attracted to Asians.

    But, I used to have this thing for white guys and then I met this guys who's spanish. can I say Hot damn?

    Anyway, excuse my moment, you'll learn. I know a bunch of black/african american girls who are married to white guys. The thing is, you're at the age where you just like a guy becouse of his appearance. But, you'll learn that what matters is in the inside.
    October 20th, 2011 at 01:16am