Flirting & I Don't Want to Be Attractive - Comments

  • I don't really get the concept of flirting, and am rather embarrassed when someone tries to flirt with me.
    My thoughts are always that they don't know me, I could be the exact opposite of what they want, they would probably find me very abnormal if they decided to get to know me, thus I would be a bit of a disappointment; so why with so little knowledge, are they taking interest in me?
    It's just frustrating.
    November 5th, 2011 at 09:32pm
  • omg i fucking love your username
    November 5th, 2011 at 10:32am
  • You can help it, though. You can control what comes out of your mouth. I dont mind when people compliment my appearance, and I dont mind flirting when me and the other person know one another pretty well, I just dont understand the sorts of people that flirt with basically everyone and dont expect anyone to take it seriously. Whats the point of it then? Ugh.
    November 5th, 2011 at 08:39am
  • Lots of people can't help flirting and everyone takes flirting differently. What one person thinks is flirting another doesn't think it is even close. It sucks but if you want it to stop why don't you try to confront them? (Nicely) they probably don't even realize they're doing ti and if they do, they now know to stop ^.^ And it could just be that they think your brain is interesting/attractive from reading your profile, or the simple fact that you are a guy *Facepalm* so don't let it get you too down. Not that you aren't attractive, I just haven't met you or stalked you so I have no idea. Wow this ramble is turning awkward...

    Anyways, I think I'm blessed that I can never tell when people are flirting with me, for this reason exactly. Of course on the other hand people have to be extremely blunt if they want me to go out with them *Facepalm* probably why I haven't dated... I'm gonna shut up now :P
    November 5th, 2011 at 08:02am
  • People tell me i flirt all the time when I'm really just trying to be nice. Some of us flirtatious people don't mean it and honestly can't help our self.

    If it were me I'd just take the flirting as a compliment. i mean, they must have seen something they liked.
    November 5th, 2011 at 08:02am
  • You probably wouldn't like me very much, then. Everyone sees me as a flirt and I don't always mean to - it just happens naturally. I don't mean to lead people on and as soon as I see I'm doing it I explain and apologize.

    Also, it's not a bad thing to be attractive. I've not seen you I don't think, so. But when people start talking to you because you're physically attractive, show them you're mentally attractive, too. It's all about how you assert yourself, really. People can't help but be drawn to someone who's attractive - it's human nature. I think I'd be flattered if people talked to me just because I was pretty and I got to prove to them that my mind was pretty, too.
    November 5th, 2011 at 07:48am
  • People tend to be even more vapid and stupid over the internet, so don't let it get to you. When I was in a relationship, and still got the same bullpoopy until I just gave up and made my profile private. :p So at least that's always an option.

    As for flirting.. that's just a different story.
    November 5th, 2011 at 07:46am
  • I get what your saying but sometimes people can't help to flirt.

    Granted your talking about over the internet which is different and you can help it but I mean in person sometimes it happens.

    My best friend and I have a problem with that xD we tend to flirt without knowing it.
    November 5th, 2011 at 07:40am