She's Worthless. - Comments

  • Crazy_Peep

    Crazy_Peep (100)

    United States
    You listen to me, okay? You are f*cking gorgeous, GORGEOUS. Okay, not just just pretty and the complete and total opposite of ugly you are GORGEOUS. You have to keep that in mind, not just your physical self either, your soul too. You have such a beautiful soul, it's just buried right now. You have to find it, I don't care how long it takes but you have to find it. You have to look through all the hurt, the pain, the feeling of being unloved and find it.
    Please don't cut, please. Message me, comment me do whatever the hell you need. I'll even give you my phone number just please, please please don't cut. You don't want scars to remind you of the hell that you went through. You don't want them.
    Keep up your dreams, whatever they are, keep them. Make sure they grow with as you get older and become a mature adult. Keep them alive inside you as accomplish things throughout your life.
    I don't pity you, I refuse to pity you or anyone else going through a hard time. I respect you and hope that you accomplish things in your life. I hope your life is one amazing life after this. I hope you travel to places and meet amazing people just like you. I hope you begin to love life and everything in it, even if they things that are thrown at you down right suck.
    These things can only happen if you start to believe in your self. If you start to say "Screw you and your immaturity" to those who insult you, for those who even dare to call you ugly, whore or any other obscenity. You need to just breathe, think and move on from any stupid thing going on. People will back stab you, they will betray and insult you and all because they wish to be you. They're jealous of your beautiful soul, and you have to accept that.
    If you need anything, message or comment me. I'm here.
    November 17th, 2011 at 11:45pm
  • DarkestStorm

    DarkestStorm (335)

    United States
    Don't say that stuff about yourself. It's not true. You shouldn't die, people do care, you're not worthless, I highly doubt your hideous or of other things you said. I'm sorry you feel this way but I'm sure you're a wonderful person. You can pm me if you ever need to talk.
    November 17th, 2011 at 11:24pm