I don't bleave I'm Beautiful... - Comments

  • with a vengance

    with a vengance (100)

    United States
    When I was 12 and 13 I felt grotesque... hideous... any other synonym...
    But I grew out of it.
    I just saw your profile and I do not think you are ugly.
    If that helps.
    November 25th, 2011 at 05:36am
  • warmaiden

    warmaiden (6085)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    United States
    silk tea; in a way she's right, you should check your spelling, but what the fuck, were not talking about your spelling were talking about you so forget silk tea's comment because it has nothing to do with 'beautiful' -.-


    hi there beautiful C: i'm nikki. my mom says that i'm ugly, some people at school has called me ugly, but now i don't let it get to me. i'm almost sixteen years old and i think it's because you might be a tad younger that you feel so...hideous. i went through that phase honey, it was a horrible phase but i pulled through. it sucked because you'd look around and yes you would see the most ugliest, fattest, girls being asked out and you think 'well..if they get asked out or crushed on, then what does that make me?'

    you know what that makes you? UNIQUE. your unique because guys approach the girls who they think are easy to get. and that's bad. when a boy hasn't asked me out in years and years or as a sixteen year old who hasn't even had her first kiss, you know that i'm hard to get lol. and it's not just a joke, it's really true. your unique and it intimidates guys. they'd rather go flirt with an ugly girl and get accepted than a beautiful girl like you or i and get rejected. and yes it does feel like girls may have crushes on you or me more than guys, but in the end, would you really change your sexuality for a relationship? no, because like i had said before your unique in another way, another way that no one is. SMILE BABY YOUR BEAUTIFUL!
    November 19th, 2011 at 04:44pm
  • The Unreality

    The Unreality (150)

    United States
    You're beautiful in your own way! No matter how you feel, there is something beautiful about you. You may not see it, but you wise mother sees it. Don't get upset over it. You'll feel beautiful when your skin finally decides this is the personality it wants to stick to.
    November 19th, 2011 at 05:39am
  • silk tea.

    silk tea. (400)

    United States

    "the best part of believe is the lie."

    Just kidding, everyone is beautiful. Also, make sure you check your spelling before you post a journal.
    November 19th, 2011 at 02:58am