What is Your Romantic Fantasy? - Comments

  • wristbanger

    wristbanger (100)

    United States
    Your fantasy seems awesome!! Good luck achieving that :D

    Hm. My fantasy. I think it would be meeting some really nice guy at a library, and we reach for the same book. Then we go, Oh, you can have it." We laugh and say together again, "No you have it." And then I casually introduce myself to him, and start to be friends with him.

    Then when he asks me out he places notes in the books I get tht say, "Go out with *name*?" and then when we, if we do, get married, he hollows out a dictionary, gives it to me as a birthday present, and I open it. And cry of happiness.

    It will most likely nevvveerrrr happen but I want it too....
    November 19th, 2011 at 03:32pm
  • xBecomingxNumbx

    xBecomingxNumbx (100)

    United States
    That sounds nice, I hope you get your fantasy some day.

    Mine is very simple actually: for my ex to want me back. It wouldn't matter where we were or how he told me, just that if he would look me in the eyes for the first time in so long and tell me he still loves me and that he wants to be together again. I've spent so long being upset over him and I still love him. But the odds of that happening, are 1 in a million.
    November 19th, 2011 at 05:30am
  • turducken

    turducken (100)

    my greatest romantic fantasy takes place in paris, france.
    outside, the warm summer air caressing my skin, bathed in the glow of the eiffel tower.
    I rest my hand on the table, smiling. Happiness bubbles in my being. The deep connection runs through us both. I can tell, we both want it, it's calling. There's no use denying it. We were meant to be together.

    And then I take a bite out of the cake.
    November 19th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • KnifeInTheCrayonBox

    KnifeInTheCrayonBox (200)

    United States
    Aw, that's sounds cute. I wish you luck with coming out of the closet, whenever you decide to.

    Um, my romantic fantast, for getting a boyfriend I guess, would be us walking through an park/open field, and just talking, and it's at night, and suddenly it starts raining so we go under a tree to take shelter, then he tells me he likes me (or loves me, cause that works too), then I confess that I feel the same, then we kiss, or he wraps in his arms in a hug (cause I like hugs too). Then we would live happily ever after. The end. =)
    November 19th, 2011 at 03:54am