</3 Gregory, You Will Be Missed </3 - Comments

  • asteroid
    Thank you.
    November 25th, 2011 at 10:00pm
  • La Kenton La Spres, where on Earth did she say that she has no respect for others opinions? I don't see it.

    She's just asking you to not make assumptions. Yes, there could be some fault on the parents for not watching him, but no parent is perfect. They can't watch a child every second of every day like in an ideal world. Accidents happen. This wasn't maliciously done on purpose by the parents; it's not like they pushed him in front of the cars.
    November 20th, 2011 at 05:17am
  • I didn't mean for it to sound that pissed off, nor did I mean it to sound the way you described. I was just asking for you to not disrespect the parents.
    Over the past three days I've only had about ten hours of sleep all together.
    I wasn't trying to put the blame all on Gregory, either. I was simply stating that it's not really any one person's fault.

    So, sorry for 'telling you what you should and shouldn't hate'. :/ (And, no, that was not me trying to be a bitch. That was a real appology.)
    November 20th, 2011 at 04:56am
  • Um for starters that is my opinion so you need to calm and not tell me what I should think and what I should and shouldn't hate. If you don't want people posting their opinions then disable comments or otherwise deal with it. And it shouldn't take a rocket genius to know that you have to tell kids things more than once and because they're not going to listen the first time.

    You're pretty much placing the blame on the boy.

    Anyways I am not debating or talking about this any further because you obviously have no respect for others opinions and views. Goodbye.
    November 20th, 2011 at 04:51am
  • His dad sucks, majorly. His mom is good, though. She does everything she can for him and his older sister. They live in a place where there are three houses: theirs, Gregory's uncle, and Gregory's grandma. Nothing ever happens down there, and they always let the kids - me included whenever I visit - do whatever, so long as we don't go past certain points. He broke the rules, which was out of character for him.
    You can blame his parents all you want, but, in the end, it was his own fault. He ran out in front of the car. He lied to his parents. He broke the rules.

    So, please, don't blame it on his parents. I didn't post this for the parents to get hated on. We've already had a loss in this family - Gregory is the second one in little over a year.

    Here's my common sense for you: his parents gave him rules that kept him alive. He broke them. His dad was - and is - a drunk, but he did what he had to do to keep his kids in a house. His mom cleaned the house and showed him never ending love.

    Please, stop blaming everything on the parents. What about the cars? They could have stopped, couldn't they? What about Gregory? He could have followed the rules and not lied to his parents.

    I get what you're saying, but don't hate on people when you don't know anything about them.
    November 20th, 2011 at 04:38am
  • I blame the parents. I often see stories where little kids die because they were going to the nearbyt park or because they were somewhere close by and the parents just think nothing of it.

    I remember watching a program called To Young to Kill I think it was and it was about teens killing people and the last story was about a four year old boy walking himself to preschool and getting killed by a 13 year old boy.

    So I blame the parents for being idiots! Oh sure they'll hire a babysitter to watch them at home, but will let them walk outside where it is just as dangerous!

    Does anyone have any common sense anymore?
    November 20th, 2011 at 04:19am