I'm a faggot :D - Comments

  • Ariveria

    Ariveria (100)

    United States
    Sounds like your school has got a good attitude. That's awesome! :)

    Mine is... kind of... iffy. :/ We have a gay-straight-alliance club, and our principal is a lesbian, but... pretty much every homosexual is in the closet. Those who are out of the closet don't often get harassed (in a school of 1400, there's a grand total of 3 guys and 5 girls, last time anyone checked), and I don't think anyone has lost any friends over it, but... I don't know. There's a feeling of repression.

    My friend is actually making a video to present during homeroom to the whole school to try to get people actually talking about homosexuality instead of pretending it doesn't exist, and to hopefully make people more comfortable. So hopefully that improves the overall feeling.

    On the plus side, though, cliques are nearly extinct. Emo kids are best friends with jocks, nerds are beloved by everyone... it sort of compensates... a little bit.
    November 20th, 2011 at 05:46pm
  • StandUp

    StandUp (100)

    United States
    People at my school don't really care about orientation :O We have a gay pride/support club. Our highschool even hosts the gay prom that goes on for highschoolers where their school doesn't allow them to attend their own prom.

    In fact one of our football stars is gay. A couple of schools complain about them playing football because they say their players "feel uncomfortable having to tackle a gay person" and that the only reason he gets touchdowns is "because he's gay and none on my team like to touch him." or that our school "uses him to win games because they know that others players are uncomfortable and that if the opposing team tackled him we'd say they were more brutal because he's gay."

    Which is wrong because if he gets tackled we don't give a f*ck because he's just like any other player. And the teams just use his orientation as an excuse as to why they weren't able to catch him. It's just stupid and I wish some schools were moer excepting.
    November 20th, 2011 at 05:20pm