I promised him I wouldn't leave him... Come hell or high water - Comments

  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    Don't put this in a story. There are already a million stories based on things like this, and they are all terrible. My guess is that it sounds profound to you because it's something that is personally happening to you right now, and so you can't see the ridiculousness of it from this angle.

    Do yourself a favour, too. You're 14. However much you think you love someone when you're 14, you will always, ALWAYS love somebody else more later on. Love is something you learn. Don't waste your time pining away over this guy. Also, don't make promises that you will never change your mind about things and then beat yourself up when you break them. Those are bad promises to make in the first place.
    November 20th, 2011 at 08:47pm