when i see their smiles, i wonder, why can't i be happy like that? - Comments

  • manicpixiedreamtramp

    manicpixiedreamtramp (100)

    United States
    We all go through such feelings. I feel like an outcast even amongst people with the same passions as me, sometimes. Maybe I've just become numb to it, though... I think in sadness we automatically feel alone. Whenever you're down, life likes to kick you and remind you that everybody around you is in absolute bliss; nobody can feel as bad as you do.

    I know we don't have the same friends, but I see the opposite; I see people using Facebook as an outlet to whine and rage and release all their negativity, which we all also do... Yet I can't help but hypocritically wonder why they can't keep it to themselves sometimes, what's so awful about teenage drama that necessitates some of their hatred towards others and themselves?

    Hint: Never EVER rely solely on a boyfriend for happiness. I s'pose I tend to be a little more emotionally detached than some people except for when it comes to my bloated ego, but they will always come and go, and especially in high school, it does almost no good to become really attached, especially early on. Sometimes in the end, they only cause more trouble than they're worth and just sometimes it's best not to go out hunting for them, regardless of loneliness... Friends are always good, but I think boys come after that.

    ... I apologize if any/all of this came off as kinda blunt. Just how I roll and reason. But umm... There you go. I hope something in there actually helped... Feel better... And stuff. .... Yeah I suck at this emotion stuff. o.o
    November 30th, 2011 at 04:16am
  • Emrys

    Emrys (100)

    United States
    im some what happy. wanna talk to me?
    November 29th, 2011 at 05:56pm
  • Robin 'The Sidekick'

    Robin 'The Sidekick' (100)

    Dominican Republic
    I know what you mean. This has been the worst year, other than the year my father passed, in a long time. I mean, I just...only like two things that were actually good came out of it. But you also have to realize that not everyone is happy. I always smile, it's how I hide my pain.

    Ask my best friend.

    She's the only one who knows when I'm about to break. Why? Because I get all gittery and laugh alot. I smile non-stop and she's the only one who asks me, "What's wrong?" I hide the pain that way and so many people think I'm happy. I'm happy about some things though. Such as friends and family.

    But some people just make my life miserable and i'm sick of it. Just hold on tight. Oh, and I'm just gonna give you some advice so you don't get banned from mibba, sensor the words. It's a rule. I don't tell anyone, hardly, because I think it's annoying. But I really don't think you want to get banned.

    Anyway, I'm here to talk if you need anyone. There's also some pretty funny stories on Mibba that can cheer you up. :"D

    - Robin 'The Sidekick'
    November 29th, 2011 at 03:26pm