Hmmm.. - Comments

  • Fool With Dreams.

    Fool With Dreams. (100)

    United States
    If you insist on jumping, can you just make sure you fly? ... Baby, I know you're having a hard time, and I know that you see yourself differently than most people do, especially me. Just take time to think of this... Where do I go when I'm hurt, scared? Who do I look at with confusion and wonder and joy? I usually stay a certain distance from people, from everyone I come into contact with. I've hurt myself, and I've destroyed myself almost past the point of healing. Granted, you didn't see me first hand at my lowest point, but we've talked about how you did see me from a distance. Everyone always wonders "What if," Baby. What if I was prettier, skinnier? What if I were someone else? What if I were to disappear? Would they even notice, right? The truth is, you piss me off. You frustrate me. You've hurt me. You've torn me down... But see... That's okay with me. Because in the end, you're still the one I go to when I need someone. Your hand is like a blanket to me when I'm cold; it's like the way I need to feel to stop my heart from breaking. Your laugh, to me, is the most incredible thing I've heard. I love your smile and your eyes and your cute little nose. I love everything, Jaylene. The good and the bad. There's nothing I would change about you, and there's nothing better that I could ask for. When you feel this way, it breaks my heart, because I know how perfect you are. I know who you are, in depth. I've seen the passion in your eyes when you're painting, or drawing. I've seen the emptiness when you were on drugs. I've seen it all, and I love it all. You're my best friend, Jay, and I wouldn't change anything that's happened between us, because that just makes us stronger.
    Baby, everyone gets lost sometimes. It isn't like a two hour movie, we have a lifetime to find ourselves. The best part is you don't have to do it alone, because I'm right here if you need me. I'll go with you down whatever road you choose, as long as it will benefit you. If it doesn't, I'll tell you that you're stupid, and you're wrong. Why? Because I love you, and I know that you're smarter than what you're doing. Just come home before you get too lost again, okay? I miss you. <3
    December 6th, 2011 at 05:03am