That feeling you get when you're unhappy and don't know what to do about it has decided to pay me a lovely visit - Comments

  • namewasalreadytaken

    namewasalreadytaken (110)

    United States
    Well, I think that suicide is not the only way when you can't handle it anymore; there must be other things. Ironically, the only thing that comes to my mind is to rely on others, despite the fact that it might be others who caused the pain. But...nobody's supposed to handle everything by themselves, anyways. I think humans are meant to be social creatures, after all. But yes, I suppose that pain is inevitable.
    And it's good to know you're not contemplating suicide, as well as the fact that you have a few people supporting you on here. No one should be facing things alone.
    Although, idk about living near the people you've met here, since nobody's perfect, either. Just saying.
    Well, that's what I think, so yeah.
    Anyways, it's been a few days since you've wrote this journal. Feeling any better?
    December 9th, 2011 at 02:02am