I wanna die. - Comments

  • N3w_An93L

    N3w_An93L (100)

    United States
    I have felt that way on more then one occasion, and I thought that cutting was the only way to not feel that pain, but one thing that I found helps now when I feel that is listening to a song by Mark Ballas called Light On. It helps me remember that it will be fine, and everything will get better in time.
    December 7th, 2011 at 04:49am
  • lumy.

    lumy. (100)

    United States
    Yeah, i think everyone wants to die at some point. Times get rough, you just have to push through it, hon. I'm here if you ever wanna talk. Try music. Friends. Hey, some people rely on religion. Mostly, learn to love yourself. You don't have to think you're absolutely perfect or anything, we are our own worst critic. Just, respect yourself enough that you know you're important. Your mom's probably the best person to rely on. Teenagers are too..um, indecisive, flimsy..They can't make up their mind, one day, they may be your best friend, the next they may want nothing to do with you, so try not to rely too much on them. I promise, though, if you ever need a friend, or just someone to yell at, i'll be here. I'll probably be able to relate. Don't die? <3
    December 7th, 2011 at 04:13am
  • PugLoveWayne

    PugLoveWayne (100)

    United States
    I think a lot of people wanna die a lot of the time. Your not alone. If you have a reason to live, like your mom, then makes things work. Whatever happened; whatever you feel right now, it'll only be a memory within months. You're in a bad place right now, but don't fix something temporary with a permanent solution. You're only fifteen? This is just the prologue of your life. Don't stop it here. C:
    December 7th, 2011 at 03:53am
  • Hero Troll''''''''''

    Hero Troll'''''''''' (100)

    United States
    Look, kiddo, life is rough. I can give you a million things that have gone wrong in my life, along with things that have gone wrong in my families' lives... but I wont.

    Life is hard because we are human. We are built to suffer. You've probably gone through a number of things yourself, but let me ask you something, are you still alive? Are you still breathing? You'll survive. Isn't that a bitch? You'll always survive these ordeals.

    Humans are built to suffer.

    On the bright side, pain DOES have it's purpose. We, as humans, go through life learning lessons. And, as humans, we are flawed, so we often forget the lessons we have learnt.

    Thankfully, we have pain to help remind us of what has happened. I do hope you don't cut, or you're damaging the point of pain in the first place.

    One day, you'll see how everything in life is beautiful, from birth to death, from joy to pain, you'll see the beauty in all.

    Kinda hard to do at first, but if you keep up, it'll be easy as breathing.
    December 7th, 2011 at 03:53am