Author's Notes; Just As Long As I'm With You - Comments

    2. Who like the idea April has come up with? sure do. I think its very cute. I think I would have much rather it just be the two of them but as long as it happens it doesn't really worry me.
    3. Do you think Jack should ask her dad for permission before he actually does it? Well personally yes but he does not really have much to do with steph so that doesn't really matter.
    4. What do you think of the whole grandmothers ring idea? I love it. It adds that little bit extra to the relationship steph has with jacks family.
    5. Do you think Steph is going to get suspicious? Maybe a little but I don't think that she will know whats happening

    6. How do you think the next chapter is going to play out? I bet there will be cuteness
    7. What do you want to see happen? a big wedding and some drama with some of the other characters. Maybe an ex turning up begging for a certain someone back and zack having a temper tantrum or something.
    I really like shortygirl's one or maybe like 'if your a bird, then I'm a bird'
    December 8th, 2011 at 12:08am

    2. Who like the idea April has come up with? Yep

    3. Do you think Jack should ask her dad for permission before he actually does it? He probably should have but not a big deal in my book..

    4. What do you think of the whole grandmothers ring idea? i love it

    5. Do you think Steph is going to get suspicious? Possibly

    6. How do you think the next chapter is going to play out? I don't know...i didn't even see Jack's idea of preposing coming...I imagine whatevery you write will be awesome

    7. What do you want to see happen? Steph smash cake in Jack's face

    chapter title
    "She's everything I ask for" I usually end up picking from song titles or lyrics

    I think one should be from Steph's pov and then one from Jack's pov since its about them.....
    December 7th, 2011 at 06:22pm
    2. Who like the idea April has come up with?
    3. Do you think Jack should ask her dad for permission before he actually does it?
    4. What do you think of the whole grandmothers ring idea?
    5. Do you think Steph is going to get suspicious?

    6. How do you think the next chapter is going to play out?
    7. What do you want to see happen?
    December 7th, 2011 at 05:54pm