I speak the truth. - Comments

  • Its funny, because when i saw your avatar, and i opened up this journal, i was bracing myself for the rage that i felt was soon to follow, however, i am pleasantly surprised to find alot of wisdom. It pleased me even more to see that it was from a 13yr old (If that is your real age), and a little bit of faith has been restored for the human race.

    Me, personally, i like to say that I am who I am. I act the way i want to, and i do it for no one else, i feel no reason to conform. Even if someone wanted to label me, it would be impossible.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:46am
  • @Kurtni: I think the problem is that some of the terms used these days to describe people are derogatory terms. Emo, scene, etc. are used in an insulting manner, and it doesn't really make sense. "You're so emo" is a bad thing to say to someone, but there's no real sense of why.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:25am
  • It's just how people are and probably always will be.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:12am
  • Why is it when someone plays tennis, they get called an athlete?

    Why is it when someone is attracted to people of the same gender, they're called gay?

    Why is it when someone drinks weird beer and wears overalls, they get called a hipster?

    Because they are. Plain and simple. It's not all they are, other labels probably fit them to, but they are. A language is a system of labels and that's how we communicate; it's unavoidable. Unless someone is being called something derogatory, I don't see why it matters.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:09am
  • I think it's the people who spend most of their time trying to convince others that they aren't any of those things are the ones who actually are. If you're going to act a certain way that fits a stereotype, you've got to expect it. Everything has a consequence.
    December 17th, 2011 at 02:07am