• SOPA's vote has been delayed until January 25th I think it was, so we still have some time to fight it. All I know is that the vote has been delayed into 2012. I'm just hoping we can smack enough sense into these politicians to make them see what they're doing. That's a long shot though, they don't seem to give a damn anymore. I didn't watch the video since I know a good amount about SOPA already. :3 This bill won't affect the entire Internet, the U.S would not be allowed to do so. This will only affect Americans as only U.S IP addresses will be affected. With this bill and the Protect IP Act, the U.S would adopt the same system that China and Iran use to censor their Internet. So it's not really saving the Internet as a whole, just saving the Internet in the U.S.

    I am against SOPA completely though and I intend to do everything I can to help fight it. I'm happy to see others beginning to become concerned. There's been an appalling media blackout on this bill and other recent bills that not a whole lot of people know of them or don't know the actual dangers of these bills. I'm happy to see others are beginning to open their eyes and see. This bill could go farther than just censoring file sharing sites, with the system it'll bring, it could be used to censor anything online and lead to even more oppression of the American people.

    v NDAA hasn't technically passed yet. It reached the White House yesterday and is awaiting Obama's signature now. But it's only a matter of time before it becomes law unfortunately. Unless Obama suddenly gets a conscious and sees what he's doing wrong, we're all screwed within a matter of days.

    Don't talk like that. We can't give up fighting just yet, that's exactly what the government wants from us. To be discouraged and give them full control. That's exactly what they want to happen. Don't give up just yet, we all have to keep fighting.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 08:09am
  • wafflini NDAA? You can't stop the NDAA. It's already been signed.

    As for SOPA, it will probably get signed as well. There isn't much we do anymore because the government has gotten bored with entertaining us with the thoughts that they were listening the whole time, and have just completely stopped pretending all together.
    December 23rd, 2011 at 06:42am
  • if only i was of age i could vote against sopa and ptaa (Or whatever the other act is)...
    December 23rd, 2011 at 06:24am