God Hates Pretension - Comments

  • Separation of Church and State.

    I don't think they should be praying in school because I think it's a bit inconsiderate. I don't mind if they do that on their own time, but they shouldn't be doing that.

    And to Sailor Neptune, the reason why they shouldn't be doing that is because some people can be offended(not me, but say a religion that's 'out there' as a chickadee in love put it) or angered/annoyed(like me).

    And Atheists shouldn't be doing that either. I agree, it's a double standard. But still, my point remains that Christians shouldn't pray at public schools, and Atheists shouldn't be saying to much stuff about god.

    Hence Separation of Church and State. There isn't freedom if it's at an inappropriate time. It's a nice thought, but keep it to yourself at school. If you want to do it publicly, make it at church.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 08:29pm
  • I use to wonder about the suicide thing but after watching the show "I survived beyond and back" I think it only happens in certain cases of suicide. I'm not Christian or catholic though lol.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 09:49am
  • The views of the Westboro Baptist Church are not ones shared by the majority of Christians, a lot don't even consider the WBC to even be actual Christians. While a lot of Christians do have problems with homosexuality, most of them don't take it to such extremes as WBC does. They're a disgrace to Christianity and make a mockery of everyone who follows that religion. I'm not a fan of Christianity myself and I dislike it a lot, but the WBC are a disgrace to that religion and everyone who follows it..... They're a disgrace to the whole of humanity.

    I don't see why it matters if a group of religious people do something religious in a public school like praying. As long as the school is not giving money to the event/group and they're not forcing people to join them, I don't see the harm in it.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 08:20am
  • The praying at the flagpole makes me mad too. Not because they're Christian, but because if other groups try to do stuff like that (like Wiccans or Druids or something totally "out there") they're not allowed to. Separation of Church and State FTW :3
    January 2nd, 2012 at 08:07am
  • ... I read the title quickly and thought it said "God hates penetration." >.>
    January 2nd, 2012 at 07:59am
  • I feel the exact same way. Nicely put!
    January 2nd, 2012 at 07:47am
  • I hate that website. I'm from the city as the Westboro Baptist Church (AKA, The Phelps) and it makes me so angry every time I see them.

    Also...there's one designated day for some schools where students gather together at flag poles. The majority of the prayers are for the schools themselves too. Public or private, I don't see what's so awkward about it. Atheists can say how much they're against God and everything but far be it for Christians to pray at a school.

    Double standard. Christians have the right to pray where they want. It's ignorant to say "they should do that at home or at a church". I didn't know God was only at a home or church. Oh, now there's a designated time for that? So a person can't privately in their mind, pray to God? Wow.

    I'm sorry, it just irritates me when people talk about how Christians shouldn't pray at school and that it's not the place for that. We have freedom of religion for a reason.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 07:42am
  • That makes me mad too, but it really is just the extreme side of things, and the majority of Christians aren't like that.
    But... why can't people pray at school? I don't see anything wrong with that, unless they're making other people pray with them or something.
    January 2nd, 2012 at 07:31am