I feel so low right now. - Comments

  • "right now I'm not great and everyone else is doing well"
    Oh sweet baby Jesus. I know sometimes it seems like everyone has the perfect life except you, but that's probably the most incorrect way of thinking ever. We all have times when we feel like this, but without the low there would be no high. I don't care if that's cliche. It's true.
    January 4th, 2012 at 04:29am
  • It's okay to not like yourself sometimes. It happens to the best of us, you know? Try to make a list of things negative in your life and then turn around and try to think of reasons why they are the way they are, and then change it. Or try to remove yourself from it, or something. It helps me. Sometimes it just helps to be in a positive atmosphere; you'll feel better. It's okay to be in a bad mood.
    January 4th, 2012 at 04:25am