Mibba: The Land of Vapid Romance and Fantasy Fiction - Comments

  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    I like romance. Just saying.

    I try not to incorporate as much romance as I used to, but I find that without writing romance in it, I get tired of it easily. It depends on the story, and on the writer, in my opinion. If someone can write it well, then it doesn't matter about what it's about.
    (As long as there's a good plot, too)

    You could try reading I'll Be Over You, or The Song About the Moon. Neither are about romance per say, but Moon does involve fantasy.
    January 7th, 2012 at 06:32am
  • gar-bage

    gar-bage (300)

    United States
    Well heck, I like writing romance. I enjoy writing it. It makes me happy. I'm pretty sure that's why so many other people do it on here. We write what we enjoy, we hopefully write for ourselves first and foremost, and if it makes someone happy to write what they write about, I will never call it garbage. I will never, ever insult someone by saying that their work is garbage. It means something to them, it's important to them and to me, that means it isn't garbage. If the writing here is displeasing to you, I suggest looking elsewhere.
    January 7th, 2012 at 06:24am
  • spacejunkie

    spacejunkie (100)

    I think that whatever suits the mainstream is screamed the loudest, and most people don't come here to read provoking, philosophical pieces. They come here to kill time, and so don't look for the same things in Mibba stories that they look for when they're reading books.

    That being said, this is the exact reason my work doesn't get a lot of attention. I mostly do offbeat, off-genre pieces, and try to riddle them with descriptions, symbolism and hidden messages (although I do sometimes also write the odd light piece of fluff).

    If you want something different to read, check out my latest, The Macabre Tales of Young Edgar. I also have excerpts from my novel, Ninety Days of Water, up here. It's in the fantasy genre, but it's primarily a story about storytelling, and explores the larger theme of envy. There's also a short story taken from it on this site (parts of the novel are short stories that the main character recounts), called The Scarecrow's Wife.

    My other recent stories up here are The Masquerade (a descriptive fantasy), Desolation Row (a gothic western) and No Room For Ghosts (hard to classify).
    January 7th, 2012 at 06:20am
  • hands

    hands (100)

    United States
    l0l hate to say it but i kind of agree./: not much interests me here story-wise.
    January 7th, 2012 at 06:16am